14 Forging the National Economy 1790-1860
Essential Questions Describe the growth and movement of America's population in the early nineteenth century. Explain the largely German and Irish wave of immigration beginning in the 1830s and the reactions it provoked among native Americans. Assess why America was relatively slow to embrace the industrial revolution and the factory, and how that changed. Summarize early industrialism's effects on workers and farmers. Analyze the impact of new technologies on American economic production. Determine how new technology brought Americans in closer contact with each other, and the impact that had on economics and society in general in the US.
The Market & Transportation Revolution
The Market & Transportation Revolution
Market Society
Market Society
Market Society
Discuss Explain the largely German and Irish wave of immigration beginning in the 1830s and the reactions it provoked among native Americans.
Working and Living in a Mill Town
Female Responses to Work
Primary Source Activity HAPP-P the letter written by Sarah Bagley, focusing on POV. Discuss the role that work might have played in the growth of the women’s movement. Connect the main idea in the letter to the cult of domesticity.
Factories on the Frontier
The Process of Urbanization
Class Structure in the Cities
Class Structure in the Cities
Middle Class Life and Ideals
Discuss Describe the growth and movement of America's population in the early nineteenth century.
Mounting Urban Tensions
The Black Underclass
The Black Underclass
Farming in the East
Frontier Families
Opportunities in the Old Northwest
Agriculture and the Environment