Comparisons Show Relationships Making comparisons examines two or more items: Items alike Items different Or items that are both
Some Issues are Trivial Whether to order. . . hot, juicy pizza or a sub sandwich
Some Issues are More Serious Should I buy a. . . Ford or Chevy?
Comparisons Also Discuss Unfamiliar Things A sportswriter might compare: The English sport of rugby American football
A history teacher might compare: United States court system France’s court system United States court system
Comparisons Influence Important Decisions What will be your major? engineering chemistry law medicine
Comparisons Must Share Common Ground Two golfers: Driving ability Putting ability Sand play Preferred clubs
Organizing a Comparison There are two basic patterns to organize a comparison/contrast paper: Block Pattern Alternating Pattern
Block Organization In the block style of organization, each subject is discussed one at a time. Each section needs to be short. Readers can only remember short pieces of information.
Block Style For an essay that compares and contrasts writing in college and writing at work: Subject A: Writing in College Aspect 1: Audience Instructor Aspect 2: Purpose To fulfill an assignment. Aspect 3: Outcomes: Feedback, evaluation, grade
Block Organization Subject B: Writing at Work Aspect 1: Audience: Boss or customer Aspect 2: Purpose : To convey information Aspect 3: Outcomes: Follow-up action
Point-By Point Organization Aspect 1: Audience College: Instructor Work: Boss Aspect 2: Purpose College: To fulfill an assignment Work: To convey information Aspect 3: Outcomes College: Feedback, grade Work: Follow-up action
Vocabulary of Comparing/Contrasting Although on the contrary both on the other hand however similarly in contrast though like where (whereas) while
Comparing and Contrasting Can be as simple as comparing a Kitten to a Puppy
Or It Can be as Complicated As Different Kinds of Cows N T R A S T I N G C O M P A R I N G Different Kinds of Cows
Most important: be organized and it will. . . put a smile on your face.