What does Year 6 look like? Tuesday 29th September 2015
2014 – A new National Curriculum New National Curriculum effective from September 2014. The class of 2016 will be the first group of children to be tested on the new curriculum in their Key Stage 2 SATS. No more levels: children will be assessed on whether they have achieved the ‘expected’ level for Year 6.
Reading Breadth of reading – comparing, contrasting and recommending books. Talking about an author’s choices of words or style of writing. More exposure to ‘classic’ literature and poetry. What do they need to do at home? READ READ READ! 10 pages, 5 times a week or equivalent. Select as wide a range of books as possible: libraries, friends, bookshops, Kindle Talk about what they are reading: likes, dislikes, patterns, funny bits, scary bits, similar authors.
Writing Spelling, punctuation & grammar skills. Emphasis on vocabulary and mature sentence construction. Portfolio of a range of writing in different styles. Proofreading, editing and revising their own writing. What do they need to do at home? Complete homework on time – more challenging written homework expected every week, usually linked to skills being taught in school. Learn spellings on Year 3-4 and Year 5-6 lists. Reasons to write: thank you notes, post cards, shopping lists, instructions Encourage correct grammar in spoken English.
Maths Skills and objectives ‘pushed down’ a year – Year 6 maths now covers some of previous KS3 curriculum. Confidence using much larger numbers in all calculations. Problem-solving and investigation – applying the skills they have been taught in order to solve multi-step problems. What do they need to do at home? Complete MyMaths activities set as homework – we can support this in school if there are technical problems at home. Use real-life maths: money, timetables, weights & measures. Learn times tables .
What else happens in Year 6? EVERYTHING!! residential production reception buddies house captains secondary applications Clifton Cathedral Junior Good Citizen transition events with St Joseph’s cycling proficiency puberty talk drugs & alcohol awareness leavers’ assembly fire safety training SATS boosters …the list goes on