History of hydro power plant First hydro power is used by the greekins to spin water wheels for crushing heat into flour before more then 2000 years ago. In the 1700’s,hydro power is generally used in irrigation (non-natural use of water on the way to the land) water.
We start to generate electricity from hydro power in 1882 when united state (US) establish first hydro power which is generate 12.5 kilowatts (KW) of power. The rapid growth of hydro power comes in 1900’s,when hydraulic reaction turbine comes in picture as results in 1900’s hydro power plant full fill the requirements of 40%total united states ‘electricity.
System mainly contains 3parts hydro power point System mainly contains 3parts Generater Transmission Distribution
Generator Generator means how to generate electricity from the available source and there various methods to generate electricity but we focused on generation of electricity by means
Hydraulic power plants It is defined as the place where power is generated from source, so here source is hydro that’s why we called hydro power plant
How hydro power plant work Acuatully hydroluic and coal power plant produce electricity in similar ways. In both cases power source is used to turn on a propeller like piece is called turbine. Which then turn a metel shaft in a electric generator, which is moter then produce elwctricity. A coal power plant uses steam to turn the turbine
Turbines In hydro plants we use gravitational force of fluid water To run the turbine which is coupled with electric generator to produce electricity
This power plant place an important role to protect our fossil which is limited because generated electricity in hydro power station is use water which renewable source of energy and available lots of energy with out any cost
Fundamental parts of hydro power plant Area Dam storage tank Reservoir Pen stock Turbine and generator Switchgear
Construction and working of hydro power plant We choose area where water is sufficient to reserve and no of any crisis of water and suitable to built a dam where we construct a dam the main function o dam is to stop flow of water and reserve the water in reservoir mainly dam is suited a good height to increase a force of water.
Reservoir stock up a lot of water which is employed the power by means of turbine. After that penstock pipe which is connected the turbine blades and most important of the enlarge the kinetic energy of water that’s why pipe is made up extremely well built. It is control the increasing and decrease the water pressure when ever require we use a value
Process Water in reservoir diereses then use storage tank It is directly connected to the penstock and use in only emergence condition after that w employ turbine and generator. Turbine is main stuff when water comes to the penstock with high kinetic energy and fall on the turbine blades, turbine rotate high speed.
Energy transfer As we know that turbine is engine that transfer energy of fluid into mechanical energy which is coupled with generator and generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy which is utilize at end. In hydro power plant we also add switchgears and protection which control and protect the whole process inside the plant
Generating electricity To controle equipments consists control circuits,controldevices,warning,instrumentation etc and connect main controle board. After generating the electricity at low voltage we use step up transformer to enlarge the level of voltage(generally 132kv,220kv,400kv and above) as per our requirements. After that transmission the electric power to load center and we step the voltage for industrial and large consumer and then step down the voltage to distribute the electricity at domestic level which we used at home.
This is the whole process generating electricity by mans of hydro( hydropower plant) and then transmitting and distributing electricity