Prof John Davies, BT Future Cities: The role of IoT and Semantic Technology Transforming Data into Value: Data Interoperability & Open Data Platforms
Overview Interoperability to maximize the value of IoT data Hypercat IoT data interoperability CityVerve €20m nationally-funded Smart City project (innovateUK) Incorporating semantic technology, a forward view
Enabling the IoT ecosystem SENSORS CONNECTIVITY DATA HUB APPLICATIONS Smart Parking Driver Assist Waste Management Tracing Assets: BT Trace Smart Street Lighting Light Sensor Bin Usage Parking Vehicle Telemetry RFID Trace Soil Moisture TVWS Analytics Dev Environment IT Services Information Spine MESH UNB Enabling the IoT ecosystem
Data interoperability & IoT hubs Data hubs provide economies of scale and uniform access to data lower the barrier to participation, avoid silos and foster innovation Key challenges Interoperation between hubs Resource discovery and access (what data does this hub have? how do I get it? what other hubs are there?) Hypercat is a specification which allows these questions to be answered
Hypercat HyperCat is a file format and a common web API It has a small set of mandatory core metadata horizontal can link to domain-specific vertical vocabularies (ontologies) It exists at application layer (OSI Layer 7) It uses well-understood web technologies (REST, JSON) It is publically available and unencumbered A machine-readable catalogue for IoT data Status: British Standards Institute PAS (Publically available specification)
Interoperability “Interoperability is essential to unlock 40% of the $11 trillion potential value of the IoT” (McKinsey) “The internet of things: Mapping the value beyond the hype”, June 2015, McKinsey Global Institute, Copyright (c) 2015 McKinsey & Company.
CityVerve Manchester, UK: 2.8m people, £42 billion GVA
CityVerve €20m collaborative R&D project, with UK govt investing €15m Large-scale deployment of IOT Delivers Smart City networks, platforms and infrastructure and demonstrators Health, Transport, Energy & Environment application areas Several thousand data feeds across multiple platforms Central to this will be BT’s data hub, interoperating via Hypercat with a range of other platforms
Semantic Technology AIOTI (WG3), IEEE, oneM2M and W3C: Joint White Paper on Semantic Interoperability for the Internet of Things (IoT) “The full value potential can only be unlocked if … ad-hoc, cross-domain systems of IoT are able to establish conversations and build understanding” Using semantic technology to provide machine-processable, shared vocabularies to increase automated reasoning Hypercat – lightweight, common, domain-independent Next step – richer descriptions, link to domain-specific vocabularies, re-use wherever possible
CityVerve vision: Hypercat-enabled future cities resource 1 resource 2 resource 3 resource 4 resource 5 resource 6 /cat1 /cat2 resource 1 resource 2 resource 3 resource 4 real time traffic bus location air quality humidity (indoor) public transport temperature driver behaviour water level
Air Quality: traffic correlation Air quality in Ipswich, jus started to get the data, can see spikes in NO due to traffic