Buena Park School District 2013-2014 Summer Success Academy Dr. Kuncewicki, Principal Mrs. Valerie Connolly, Principal Beverly Chang-Bolicek, Assistant Principal
Desired Purpose of Summer Academy Targeted Instruction (Grades 1-7) towards… “LTEL” (Long Term English Language Learners) Students at EL Level 3 Students “at risk of retention” Literacy Scores on DIBELS and teacher recomm. Special Education Students Pre-K - 7
Curriculum Used Houghton Mifflin “Summer Success” ELA and Math 6-8 week intensive program Santillana “Camp Can Do” ELD Singlish ELD supplement (songs and chants) Social Skills Second Step (K-5) Why Try (6-8)
Social Skills Training Second Step: classroom based social skills program which benefits all students and teaches skills to build self-regulation and social and emotional competence. Children learn and practice vital skills for learning, having empathy, managing emotions, building friendships, and solving problems. WhyTry: Resilience education which uses a series of 10 visual analogies (pictures) to teach social, emotional and leadership principles. The goal of the WhyTry program is to help students answer the question “Why try in life?”
Rotations and Mainstreaming Teacher Teams 1.25 ELA; 1.25 Math each day Teach subject matter twice each day Collaboration on specific students and curriculum Mainstreaming M/M students working in Reg Ed classes Aides and Teachers pushing in for assistance Interns from HS assisting one on one
Summer School “Slide” study
Outcomes From the data All students assessed gained in fluency from end of year to end of Summer Academy “Summer Slide” was affected positively Although no fluency assessment was given to Jr. High @ end of year, still gains from outset to end of SS From qualitative P.O.V. curriculum has positive affect on student growth Work on grader and “greater” reliability and validity of test taken at end of year and delivery.
Next steps and recommendations Student Selection…earlier and more targeted on specific skill offered during academies. Early planning for effective delivery Focus, skill based academies w/targeted instr. More teacher collaboration time provided Jr. High students and 6th grade @ Jr. High Teacher alignment for assignment, hiring. More meetings to follow for next steps