Library Survey at University of Liverpool 2003 and 2004 LibQUAL+tm Library Survey at University of Liverpool 2003 and 2004
Survey Preparation Decided on incentive- Amazon vouchers CSD contacted for e-mail address list Registered with CSD for LibQUAL+tm e-mail address to send and receive messages about survey File received – invitation message sent 26th February 129 bounced e-mails, replaced with new addresses
Survey Preparation Library sites specified Liaison with Faculty Librarians/Systems staff to map LibQUAL+tm disciplines to our departments List posted on the LibQUAL+tm Liverpool web page
Opening the Survey Survey open 7th March – 25th March 2003 Real time access to free text comments and running total of completed surveys Dealt with queries on daily basis Sent out 3 paper surveys on request, 2 returned 387 responses received 1 negative comment/complaint
Statistical Information Required Obtained from Academic Secretary’s Dept Male/Female breakdown Number of taught/research post grad students Number of undergraduate students in each year Number of students/staff in each department Total number of staff in each category
The Results Areas of concern at Liverpool: Where we did well Access to books/journals Access to e-journals Library buildings Where we did well Helpfulness of staff Library website
What Happened Next? Senior Management Team given paper copies of results Results mailed to Faculty Librarians Results posted on survey web page Short report written for Information Services Committee, posted on new LibQUAL+tm web page, displayed in the Library and published in ‘Issues’ Library Newsletter
Survey 2004 What we did differently Increased the number of e-mails sent 2,000 to undergrads/taught p/grads 600 to academic staff, 600 to post grads 552 responses (17.3%) 308 from undergrads - 55.8% of total received and 15.4% of undergrads surveyed (up from26.4% and 11.3% in 2003) Decided in future to run survey every other year
Carol Kay, February 2006 Email: Website: