Class 3: Acts 19:10-22 and Introduction to 1st Corinthians Go Tell The Good News! (Part 2) Class 3: Acts 19:10-22 and Introduction to 1st Corinthians
Acts 19:11-22 God worked through Paul in Ephesus vv. 11-12 Extraordinary miracles took place Sick & demon-possessed people were healed when ordinary objects were carried from Paul to them Some itinerant Jewish exorcists tried to ride Paul’s coattails vv. 13-17 They adjured demons in the name of Jesus “whom Paul preaches” v. 13 Specifically, Luke mentions 7 sons of a Jewish chief priest named Sceva v. 14 cp. Mt 12:27 The demon they tried to exercise refused their command…he overpowered & wounded them v. 16 This became known all over Ephesus v. 17
Acts 19:11-22 Repentance in Ephesus vv. 18-20 The episode re: the Jewish exorcists had an obvious effect upon both Jews & Greeks It led to genuine repentance, evidenced by 3 things: Paul makes travel plans vv. 21-22 Seeing sin for what it really is v. 17 Rom 6:20-21 Full confession & disclosure of it v. 18 Jas 5:16 “Burning all bridges!” v. 19 Mt 5:27-30 2 Pet 2:20-22
Paul’s 1st Letter To Corinth Written from Ephesus 16:8 Timothy was sent into Macedonia Acts 19:22 Apparently, he was to go to Corinth afterwards 4:17 Paul also planned to go there…even winter 4:19 16:5-7 Paul was not sure if Timothy would arrive in Corinth before he did 16:10-11 We are fairly certain when it was written Paul mentions a “wide (effective) door of service” opening for him 16:9 The events in Acts 19:13-20 fit very well re: this “door” The fake Jewish exorcists are exposed The “name of the Lord” was magnified The Ephesians burning their magic books would have been a tremendous opportunity (a “wide door”)
Paul’s 1st Letter To Corinth Some from Chloe’s house came to Ephesus and told Paul about Corinth’s troubles 1:11 There were also previously-written letters…their contents are not revealed in the Scripture One from Paul to Corinth 5:9 One from Corinth to Paul 7:1 Titus apparently carried this letter to Corinth How Corinth received its stern tone would have concerned Paul Titus was instructed to meet Paul in Troas after he left Ephesus…however, Paul did not find him 2 Cor 2:12-13 Paul & Titus later meet in Macedonia…the Corinthians received the letter well and had repented 2 Cor 7:5-16
Paul’s 1st Letter To Corinth Basic Outline… Paul reminds them of how blessed they were as a local group of Christians 1:1-9 Paul addresses their internal problems that were threatening their unity 1:10 – 6:20 Paul answers their written questions 7:1 – 16:4 (“Now concerning…”) Paul mentions his plans & gives final exhortations 16:5-24 An epistle where good minded brethren continue to discuss and disagree on many of its points. Careful study is the key!!
Paul’s 1st Letter To Corinth Their blessings as a local group of Christians 1:1-9 They were “enriched in Him in everything, in all speech and all knowledge” v. 5 They were “not lacking in any gift” v. 7 God will “confirm them to the end, blameless in the day” of Jesus v. 9 Their internal problems addressed 1:10 – 6:20 1) Division over men 1:10 – 2:16 True wisdom resides with God, not men (preachers) Process of inspiration detailed…natural vs. spiritual man