Fragmentation of H2O molecule by slow, highly charged ions Z.D. Pešić R. Hellhammer N. Stolterfoht Hahn-Meitner Institut, Berlin, Germany J-Y. Chesnel CIRIL, Caen, France B. Sulik ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary
Motivation: -fragmentation dynamics of multi-body systems -test molecule for studies of biomolecules -need for absolute cross section Previous studies: -most of studies done for diatomic molecules -intensive coincidence studies by groups in Groningen and Bielefeld Our studies: -collision of H2O with 1-220 keV Neq+ (q=3-9), Arq+ (q=5-13) and Xeq+ (q=9-25) ions Our results: -energy distribution of fragment ions -strong charge state and angular dependence -absolute cross section
Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin Experimental set-up Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin Ion Spectrometer
Slow HCI (e.g. Ne9+) approaching a molecule The energy of the fragment ions is governed by: -Coulomb explosion (first order) -momentum transfer to the molecule -influence of the post-collision field of projectile
21 keV Neq+, =135o
H+ + H+ + OQ+ H+ + H0 + OQ+ 21 keV Neq+ Peak b: H+ + OH- or H+ + H+ + O0 21 keV Neq+
20 keV Ne9+, Ar13+ and Xe22+ = 90o
2 - 90 keV Ne9+ =25o = 135o
10-220 keV Xe22+, =25o and 135o
21 keV Neq+, =25o
Fragmentation to channel: H++H++O+ Exp=(2±0.8)x10-14 cm2 Th= 1x10-14 cm2 Comparison with orbital promotion model Reasonable agreement!!!! Conclusions and Outlook: -Energy and angular distribution of fragment ions -Strong charge state dependence -Significant post-collision interaction -Absolute Cross Sections Open questions: -Fragmentation to 2 or 3 charged particles -Identification of peak b