Aim: How do we use previewing and predicting to read long passages? CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.2 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Aim: How do we use previewing and predicting to read long passages? Previewing and predicting before you read can make a big difference. You can get some ideas about what you will read. That way you will begin to process the information far more quickly. You will also be able to follow the writer's ideas better. Though it takes a few minutes to preview and predict, those few minutes are well invested. You will find that later you save reading time and gain comprehension. Do now: What are the benefits of previewing and predicting?
Aim: How do we use previewing and predicting to read long passages? Guidelines: Read the title– what is the passage about? Do you know anything about the subject? 2. Read very quickly the first line of each paragraph– can you tell what the paragraph is about? 3. Notice the names, dates, numbers, and words that are repeated. Do you recognize them? 4. Read quickly the last few sentences in the final paragraph— What is the author’s final point? Is it a conclusion or summary?
Aim: How do we use previewing and predicting to read long passages? Preview the following story. Read only the underlined parts. Read the title: Carmelita's Amazing Rescue
Aim: How do we use previewing and predicting to read long passages? At the Santos family's apartment in Sao Paulo, the doorbell is constantly ringing. All the friends and neighbors are there to hear what happened to two-year-old Carmelita. Her mother has tears in her eyes, but they are tears of relief, of thankfulness. Her Carmelita is smiling shyly, safe in her father's lap.
Do you understand today’s vocabulary? Checkpoint # 1: Do you understand today’s vocabulary? Raise your right hand if you clearly understand today’s vocabulary words. Raise your left hand if you do not clearly understand today’s vocabulary words.
Aim: How do we use previewing and predicting to read long passages? Answer the questions. Remember, do not look back! Where do you think this passage originally appeared? Where does this take place? Who is Carmelita? What happened to her? Who is Alfonso and what did he do? Compare your answers with another student. Then go back and read the whole passage.
Aim: How do we use previewing and predicting to read long passages? Writing: Refer to the questions. Write complete sentence for each question. Put Them together as a paragraph of summary of the reading.