Chen Yong 陈勇 Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS


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Presentation transcript:

Chen Yong 陈勇 Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS 2017 03 21 eXTP mission design coordination meeting IHEP,Bejing Overview of the SFA Chen Yong 陈勇 Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS 2017 03 21

SFA requirements item requirements goal

SFA configuration thermal baffle mirror module X-ray baffle electron deflector detector

Main issues of the optics Mass budget Angular resolution 1 arcmin (HPD); 3 arcmin (W90) Effective area optimization A thin Carbon layer for nickel approach?

SDD module Pre-amplify SDD With 100nm(TBC)

Particle Background Level Estimate using Geant4 ACD off : 9.3e-4 counts/s/keV/cm2 ACD on : 6.2e-4counts/s/keV/cm2 Charged particle background level

Thermal control of the detector Helium pulse tube refrigerator

Main issues of the detector Shielding Need an active shielding? Movable focal plane detector (SFA & PFA)? Up to 13 SFA for timing and spectrum obs. and up to 13 PFA for polarimetry obs.

Product tree


SFA requirements Item SFA (9 or 11modules) Focal length 5.25 m Field of View 12′ Angular res. <1′ (HPD), <3′ (W90) Mirror Effective Collecting Area (1 module) >800 cm2 @ 2 keV >500 cm2 @ 6 keV Energy range 0.5 - 10 keV Energy resolution <180 eV@6keV Working temperature 20±2℃