in a TIGHT-FISTED WORLD How to Transform Your Life and Change the World for the Glory of God
Introduction How do you catch a monkey?
Introduction Matthew 6:24-34
Observations No One Can Serve TWO Masters
Observations No One Can Serve TWO Masters NO one?
Observations No One Can Serve TWO Masters NO one? Serve?
Observations No One Can Serve TWO Masters NO one? Serve? LOVE & Be DEVOTED to
Observations Hate or Despise GOD?
Observations Do NOT WORRY about Our Life & Body What is WORRY? Hate or Despise GOD? Do NOT WORRY about Our Life & Body What is WORRY?
Observations Do NOT WORRY about Our Life & Body What is WORRY? Hate or Despise GOD? Do NOT WORRY about Our Life & Body What is WORRY? What is our life & body?
Observations Do NOT WORRY about Our Life & Body Hate or Despise GOD? What is WORRY? What is our life & body? What good is worrying?
Observations God cares for you! Do NOT WORRY about Our Life & Body Hate or Despise GOD? Do NOT WORRY about Our Life & Body What is WORRY? What is our life & body? What good is worrying? God cares for you!
Observations The PAGANS RUN after ALL These Things Hate or Despise GOD? Do NOT WORRY about Our Life & Body The PAGANS RUN after ALL These Things
Observations Our HEAVENLY Father KNOWS Our NEEDS Hate or Despise GOD? Do NOT WORRY about Our Life & Body The PAGANS Run after ALL These Things Our HEAVENLY Father KNOWS Our NEEDS
Application SEEK FIRST God & His Kingdom
Application SEEK FIRST God & His Kingdom Once we put God first, serve Him and are devoted to Him, we have no need for worrying about our life, about our body, about tomorrow. We can rest.