The Accountancy Profession – Playing a Positive Role in Tackling Corruption Amir Ghandar Deputy Director, Public Policy & Regulation March 14, 2017
Things to cover today What kind of role are professional accountants playing when it comes to tackling corruption? How is IFAC and the international accountancy profession involved in global efforts to combat corruption? Sneak preview: upcoming IFAC initiative on public trust in taxation
Why is this important?
What do these news stories have in common?
Transparency International Perceptions of Corruption
Accountants in workforce and TI index
Countries with IFAC Member Organizations
Number of professional accountants
Professional accountants and TI index
FATF Countries
What does it mean? Overall a positive impact The code + international standards are key Governance architecture, government and business role crucial Have to work together
The global profession’s efforts: Engaging with the international community
The global profession’s efforts: Pan professional corruption statement “We deplore corruption and the significant harm it causes; we play a vital role in training, educating and supporting our professions to uphold the highest levels of integrity and ethical standards.”
The global profession’s efforts Accountability. Now.