Introduction Paragraph This is the first part of the essay, and it lets the reader know what will be covered in the essay. The purpose is to hook your audience and present your topic (fact) with your attitude (opinion) on your subject.
Purpose 1. Interest your audience in your essay. 2. Present basic information on your subject. 3. Introduce your stance on your subject.
Parts of the introductory paragraph 1. Create a hook/starter/opening method/attention getter. 2. Sentences that transition you from hook to thesis; narrows topic and ties hook to your opinion. 3. Thesis a mix of your topic (fact) and your stance (opinion).
Types of Attention Getters 1. Intriguing statement-Life without technology would be impossible in today’s society. 2. Shocking statement/statistic-”In the first six months of 1989, the city of Phoenix responded to fifty-six calls of water-related accidents, and of the fifty-six, twelve were fatalities” 3. Rhetorical question- In the year 4000, what will the computer look like? 4. Quotation-”Fish and Visitors smell in three days” Benjamin Franklin 5. Literary Allusion- Every girl is looking for her perfect Romeo.
Attention Getters 6. Story/personal experience-Imagine surviving a plane crash. Waking up to chaos and fear, only to realize that no adult has survived. Boys ages five to twelve are all that is left on a remote island. This is what happens in… OR this is my story of survival.. 7. Anecdote-One day John was walking down his street when he heard a shrill sound. He noticed a brown paper bag by his feet. He gingerly bent down to look inside the bag ; it was filled with hundred dollar bills. 8. Joke- Why does the blonde fail at working at the M&M Factory? She could only find W’s on the candy. This is an example of…
Attention Getters 9. Description- Looking above, she noticed a charcoal bird flying in a crazy figure eight. 10. Factual statement-Every first Tuesday in November, Americans wake u up to vote. 11.Analogy-Falling in love is like riding hands free on a roller coaster. 12. Comparison-The dress code reminds me of the events that lead to the Boston Tea Party. 13. Contrast-Even though many drugs are illegal, some have medicinal purposes. OR Life is nothing like a box of chocolates.
Attention Getters 14. Several relevant examples- A forest fire started on December12. Another fire began on January 15. The third final happened on February 16. What do all these events have in common? 15. Statement of Problem-There is so much garbage along the highway that something needs to be done! 16. Popular misconception- All blondes are not. Teenagers can be polite.
Attention Getters 17. Current event- Many Americans are waking up to a category 3 hurricane that …
After the Attention Getter *Bridge the gap from attention getter to thesis. *Move from your broad topic to narrow it down *Interpret the meaning of the attention getter and how it relates to thesis Example: -Dogs to the narrow topic about dogs -Keep referencing your attention getter -Arouse attention and emotion in your ready
What not to do 1. Don’t begin with an apology or complaint 2. Don’t assume your audience already knows your subject 3. Don’t use definitions (boring & overused) 4. Don’t use an inappropriate tone (too informal or sarcastic) 5. Don’t EVER, EVER write “In this essay I will” or “I am going to be writing about”