Food Balance Sheets Involvement of FAO Statistics Division (ESS) in the Food Security and SDGs Framework
Learning objectives Increase the knowledge and skills of the FBS experts involved in capacity-building activities for the compilation of FBS using the new methodology Discuss the best strategies in assisting countries in compiling their food balance sheets Improve the quality of the training and technical assistance activities on FBS delivered at the country level The FBS as a data cross-checking tool and uses in informed policy decisions
Outline Overall view of the SUA/FBS Contribution to SDGs The FBS as a snapshot tool beyond just the food component
1. Activities carried out by ESS 10 TEAMS GROUPED IN 5 AREAS OF WORK Data collection, processing and dissemination Provide free and easy access to harmonized, reliable, timely and policy-relevant data and information products, and advocate their use for evidence-based decision making Monitoring and analysis Monitoring and analysis of data and the development of indicators Norms and standards Develop, implement and promote international statistical standards, methodological guidelines and tools in collecting, analysing and disseminating data Capacity development Work directly with countries to develop national statistical strategies, strengthen institutional and technical capacities and improve statistical systems Statistics coordination Ensure coordination of statistical programmes and activities within FAO and in partnership with national, regional and international stakeholders Develop, implement and promote international statistical standards, methodological guidelines and tools in collecting, analysing and disseminating data (e.g. WCA) Provide free and easy access to harmonized, reliable, timely and policy-relevant data and information products, and advocate their use for evidence-based decision making Monitoring and analysis of data and the development of indicators Work directly with countries to develop national statistical strategies, strengthen institutional and technical capacities and improve statistical systems to better design, monitor and evaluate policies and programmes Ensure coordination of statistical programmes and activities within FAO and in partnership with national, regional and international stakeholders
1. Activities carried out by ESS Production, Trade & FBS Social statistics Environm. statistics Methodology Office of the Director Statistical Governance Global Strategy Agricultural Census Statistical Capacity Development Food Security and Nutrition & VoH Economic statistics
1. Activities carried out by ESS Production, Trade & FBS Social statistics Environm. statistics Methodology FOOD SECURITY Statistical Governance Global Strategy Agricultural Census Statistical Capacity Development Food Security and Nutrition & VoH Economic statistics
1. Activities carried out by ESS Production, Trade & FBS Social statistics Environm. statistics Methodology NEW METHODOLOGY Statistical Governance Global Strategy Agricultural Census Statistical Capacity Development Food Security and Nutrition & VoH Economic statistics
1. Activities carried out by ESS Production, Trade & FBS Social statistics Environm. statistics Methodology CAP. DEVELOPMENT Statistical Governance Global Strategy Agricultural Census Statistical Capacity Development Food Security and Nutrition & VoH Economic statistics
1. Activities carried out by ESS Production, Trade & FBS Social statistics Environm. statistics Methodology TRADE DATA Statistical Governance Global Strategy Agricultural Census Statistical Capacity Development Food Security and Nutrition & VoH Economic statistics
2. The contribution of the FBS to the SDGs Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 17 Goals 169 Targets 241 Indicators 21 Indicators are under FAO’s mandate
2. The contribution of the FBS to the SDGs Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 17 Goals 169 Targets 241 Indicators 21 Indicators are under FAO’s mandate 2.1.1 12.3.1
2. The contribution of the FBS to the SDGs Food Balance Sheet DES (Dietary Energy Supply) Post-harvest losses INDICATOR 2.1.1 Prevalence of Undernourishment (PoU) SDG 2 TARGET 1 "By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round" INDICATOR 12.3.1 Global Food Loss Index SDG 12 TARGET 3 “By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses.”
References UN SDGs website: e-development-goals/ FAO SDGs website: development-goals/en/
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