Energy beets: a new industrial sugar source for the production of advanced biofuels Dennis Wiesenborn Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering North Dakota State University Presentation at North Central Regional Sun Grant Center Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, March 18-19
Igathinathane Cannayen ABEN, NDSU (Mandan) William Gibbons Biology & Microbiology, SDSU Scott Pryor ABEN, NDSU Dave Ripplinger Ag Business & Econ, NDSU
Juan Vargas-Ramirez
What is an “energy beet?”
Why beets for biofuel?
Why beets for biofuel? Tolerate saline soil High sucrose yields (up to 13,300 kg/ha) Sucrose directly fermentable Production & processing expertise
Challenge: high moisture content (75-80%) Storage expense Transportation expense
Storage options
Whole, intact—with or without freezing
Thick juice
pH & brix for best sugar retention Vargas-Ramirez, J.M., Haagenson, D.M., Pryor, S.W., Wiesenborn, D.P. 2013. Determination of suitable storage conditions to preserve fermentable sugars in raw thick beet juice for ethanol production. Biomass Bioenerg.: 59: 362-369.
Objectives Validate storage of thick juice Develop transportation logistics system Life cycle analysis
Obj. 1: Validate storage of thick juice
Use of thick juice for fermentation Cyanobacteria for hydrocarbons 1st samples to Bill Gibbons, SDSU Potential for additional collaboration Commercial strain of yeast
Effect of pH adjustment on fermentation salt
Obj. 2: Transportation Logistics Model David Ripplinger with post-doc Source: Source:
Obj. 2: Transportation Logistics Model Field Central facility versus Field Satellite FEP Central facility Lowest overall cost of industrial sugar
Objective 3: Life Cycle Analysis Scott Pryor with post-doc Field production to industrial sugar Input from Obj. 1 & 2
Objective 3: Life Cycle Analysis Frozen pile vs fresh harvest Conventional process vs Mechanical extraction Liquefaction with enzymes Baseline: corn grain to saccharification
Outcomes Validation of thick juice storage Transportation logistics model Life cycle analysis
Acknowledgments Darrin Haagenson, Britta Manning and JT Roe, NDSU-ABEN Blaine Schatz, Carrington REC Lloyd Anderson & Maynard Helgass, GVG North Dakota Renewable Energy Council