Estimated number of new HIV infections in young people About 7 000 young people aged 10–24 get infected with HIV every day, that is five young persons every minute About 1.7 million young people in Africa get infected with HIV every year Close to 700 000 young people get infected with HIV every year in Asia and the Pacific
Adults and children estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS as of end 1998 Western Europe 500 000 North Africa & Middle East 210 000 sub-Saharan Africa 22.5 million Eastern Europe & Central Asia 270 000 South & South-East Asia 6.7 million Australia & New Zealand 12 000 North America 890 000 Caribbean 330 000 Latin America 1.4 million East Asia & Pacific 560 000 Total: 33.4 million
Estimated number of adults and children newly infected with HIV during 1998 Western Europe 30 000 North Africa & Middle East 19 000 sub-Saharan Africa 4.0 million Eastern Europe & Central Asia 80 000 East Asia & Pacific 200 000 South & South-East Asia 1.2 million Australia & New Zealand 600 North America 44 000 Caribbean 45 000 Latin America 160 000 Total: 5.8 million
End–1998 global estimates Adults and children People living with HIV/AIDS New HIV infections in 1998 Deaths due to HIV/AIDS in 1998 Cumulative number of deaths due to HIV/AIDS 33.4 million 5.8 million 2.5 million 13.9 million
Spread of HIV over time in sub-Saharan Africa, 1982–1997 Estimated percentage of adults (15–49) infected with HIV 16.0% – 32.0% 8.0% – 16.0% 2.0% – 8.0% 0.5% – 2.0% 0% – 0.5% trend data unavailable outside region
in Latin America and Caribbean, 1982–1997 Spread of HIV over time in Latin America and Caribbean, 1982–1997 Estimated percentage of adults (15–49) infected with HIV 2.00% – 8.00% 0.50% – 2.00% 0.13% – 0.50% 0% – 0.13% trend data unavailable outside region
Spread of HIV over time in Asia, 1982–1997 Estimated percentage of adults (15–49) infected with HIV 0.50% – 8.00% 0.13% – 0.50% 0.03% – 0.13% 0% – 0.03% trend data unavailable outside region