Coal By Charlie and Aaron
Uses of the energy source: coal is used primarily as an energy source, either for heat or electricity. It was once heavily used to heat homes and power locomotives and factories. Bituminous coal is also used to produce coke for making steel and other industrial process heating.
Is it renewable or non-renewable: Coal is not renewable Is it renewable or non-renewable: Coal is not renewable. It takes a long time to reform
How is the energy produced: Coal formed millions of years ago when the earth was covered with huge swampy forests where plants, giant ferns. As the plants grew, some died and fell into the swamp waters
Benefits of the energy source: It’s the cheapest source of energy Benefits of the energy source: It’s the cheapest source of energy. It is by far cheaper than nuclear, natural gas, oil. Hydro usually will be slightly cheaper. However, problems with hydro include: no new facilities because of public outcry when river valleys are dammed.
Where is coal used: houses for the fire, electricity and cooking you can also use it for fuel and yes it can be used in a local place