Promotion of labor rights for young workers 1. Youth people 2. Labor rights 3. Sources of labor rights 4. Mecanisms of promotion of labor rights Trade Union Training Trade Union Capacities to promote nte Work Internacional Center of Formación, ILO (Turin, 9 October 2012) Carlos Ledesma
Promotion of labor rights for young workers 1. Youth people 2. Labor rights 3. Sources of labor rights 4. Mecanisms of promotion of labor rights Trade Union Training Trade Union Capacities to promote Decent Work Internacional Training Center of the ILO (Turin, 9 October 2012) Carlos Ledesma
1. Youth people Standar definition of youth people: 15 - 24 years old International comparison
Source: Report on Decent Work and Youngs in Latin America 2010
Source: Report on Decent Work and Youngs in Latin America 2010
Quality analisis of employment Decent Work Quality analisis of employment Decent Work Decent Work Decent Work Decent Work Source: Report Decent Work and Youngs in América Latina 2010, p. 55
2. Labor rights Relación laboral Equality and non discrimination Freedom of work Holidays with pay, Rest periods Salary Labor credits Family responsabilities Safety and Health Employment right Freedom of association Professional formation Hours of work Collective bargaining Use of information Termination of employment Strike
3. Sources of labor rights Pacts (NU) Sources of labor rights Internacional NIT (OIT) States State Constitution Conventional Legislation Colective contract Individual contract
3. Sources of labor rights Relación laboral Igualdad y no discriminación 100, 111 Libertad de trabajo Salario suficiente 95, 99, 131 Créditos laborales 14, 101, 106, 146, 153 Descansos remunerados 173 105 Seguridad y salud en el trabajo 162, 167, 170, 174, 176, 184, 187 Conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar 156, 183 Derecho al empleo 122, 168 Organización sindical 87, 98, 135, 141, 151, 154 Horas de trabajo 1, 171, 175, 180 Formación profesional 140, 159 Negociación colectiva Uso de la información 181 Estabilidad laboral 145, 158 Huelga
4. Mecanisms of promotion of labor rights OIT State Unilateral (Codes of conduct) Trade union action