InterAgency Working Working Together for Success Siobhán Lawlor Department of Social Protection Divisional Manager, Dublin North Creating an Inclusive Labour Market 2016 DCU, 9th November 2016
Dublin North Division Meeting Clients’ Needs 22,000 on the LR 35,000 total claimload 6 offices 28,500 pm Footfall 13,000 pm Phone calls 3 LES 6 Jobs Clubs 3 SICAP PI 6,310 FET referrals 2,896 Jobpath referrals 62 CE schemes: 1,953 participants approved 267.83 staff (WTE) (2016 to date)
Education &Training Services Local Support Services What it should be like…. Client Intreo/ DSP Employers Education &Training Services Local Support Services
….but maybe this is what it feels like for our clients…
…some of the Interagency working in Dublin North
……some of the Interagency working in Dublin North ETBs Training Centres & Colleges Education &Training Momentum, Tús, Gateway Community Employment Schemes Employers Jobs Bridge, JobsPlus, Employer Engagement Team Local Development Co.s, Leader Local Contracted Companies – LES, JobPath, Jobs Clubs, If this looks busy it’s because it is busy!
…so what’s the win… Client Better support, More integrated streamlined services, Informed advice, multiple access points Corporate Scale of coverage, more chance of achieving goals, better fit of services for clients and understanding of client needs, potentially more responsive & agile Staff Broader focus to work practice, building competence and understanding, greater expectations, potential to build enthusiasm and engagement …..and improved Value for Money for Taxpayers
Barriers to InterAgency Collaboration What are the Challenges? Not familiar with each other's work, statutes, work cultures, or approaches to customer service, even though they serve common customer groups Systems barriers/IT connectivity Time/competing priorities Data sharing
….maybe behaviour is also part of the challenge….
Examples of Success Dublin North ETB/DSP protocol Defence Forces ESS programme Collaboration with SICAP Programme Implementers Recruitment of Catering Assistants Ballymun Youth Guarantee Pilot
Recipe for What Works… Shared Agenda – know your terms of engagement All key players at the table Focusing on Client Outcomes Stay Positive and Engaged Identify Opportunities, Recognize & Address Challenges Adapt and Evolve - be prepared to try it out! Measure and Learn from what Works Personal Relationships matter….Meet Regularly
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Henry Ford Intreo/ DSP Employer Education & Training Services Local Support Services We all help to keep the ball rolling in the right direction Thank you!