I Have No Time I Have Some Time I Will Make Time Diversity & Social Justice Session Commitment to Action I Have No Time Check in with two people you met in the diversity session to see how they are doing. Be aware of the diversity & social justice issues discussed in your daily life as a sib. Engage one sib who has a different background and belief than you on commonalities and differences in your sib lives. All of the above plus: Interact with the service providers and agencies you come in contact with as a sib and ask what they are doing to address diversity in their orgs. Help these orgs outreach to sibs in diverse communities and partner with minority-led orgs in the disability advocacy space. I Have Some Time I Will Make Time Even more of all of the above plus: Volunteer with the SLN Diversity & Social Justice Committee to launch a diversity initiative. Join a minority-led organization serving a non-disability-related cause and bring your sib perspective. I will contact two sibs I met today and share my thoughts on today’s sessions: 1) 2) Designed by DSJ Committee Member Carolyn Chen