Crab Cavity R&D Plan Kirk 1 6/Dec/2016 LCWS2016 @Morioka
Outline Description in RDR/TDR Brief History Comparison of Specification R&D plan in F.Y. 2016-2019 Summary 6/Dec/2016 LCWS2016 @Morioka
Reference Design Report Crab cavity in collider works for increasing luminosity! The original design is based on 13-cell 3.9GHz deflecting cavity for Kaon separator. 6/Dec/2016 LCWS2016 @Morioka
Technical Design Report Description for Crab Cavity in only 1 page! The most important thing is “in-phase operation” between electron and positron cavities. We need more detailed specification table for ILC Crab cavity. 6/Dec/2016 LCWS2016 @Morioka
Brief History R&D for Crab cavity has been originally done by U.K. and U.S. collaboration In 2009, this R&D was completely stopped due to budget issue “In-phase operation” was done in vertical cryostat, not cryomodule NRI judged ILC Crab Cavity as “Not matured technology” We need to restart this R&D from F.Y. 2016 6/Dec/2016 LCWS2016 @Morioka
Comparison of Specification Crab Cavity @ILC 3rd Harmonic @E-XFEL Crab Cavity @KEKB Developer laboratory Lancaster Univ./FNAL/SLAC INFN/LASA KEK RF 3.9GHz 508.8875MHz # of cell 9 1 # of cavity / module 2 cavities 8 cavities 1 cavity # of modules 2 modules 1 module RF operation mode Pulse, 5Hz, 1.65msec Pulse, 10Hz, 1.1msec CW Operational temp. 1.8K 2.0K 4.2K Cavity performance spec. Ekick=5MV/m, Q0=109 Eacc=15MV/m, Q0=109 Esp=21MV/m (1.44MV), Q0=109 Drive power ~3kW ~6.3kW ~100kW QL ~106 4.3 x 106 1.6 x 105 QL tuning ? 3 stub tuner in waveguide fixed Frequency Tuner Blade Motor / Coaxial beampipe Piezo Tuner ? (Not necessary for low gradient) Not used 1 Piezo (well broken) Helium tank Titanium / TIG Welding SUS316L / TIG Welding Magnetic shielding ? (Inside is better) Outside of Helium tank Inside of Helium tank LOM damping Hook type antenna Coaxial beampipe SOM damping Hook type antenna for vertical coupling Squashed cell / Coaxial beampipe HOM damping 1 HOM coupler (Not enough) 2 HOM couplers 2 HOM absorbers Notch filter for crab mode Symmetric position Notch filter in coaxial beampipe 6/Dec/2016 LCWS2016 @Morioka
ILC Crab Cavity is quite different from KEKB Crab Cavity! Crab Cavity in KEKB ILC Crab Cavity is quite different from KEKB Crab Cavity! 6/Dec/2016 LCWS2016 @Morioka
Consideration of Cavity Package Basically, mechanical design is based on 3rd harmonic cavity package for E-XFEL Input coupler/Waveguide Tuner/Helium tank/2-phase pipe E-XFEL @DESY HOM coupler HOM antenna Cavity Fabrication Facility (CFF) team in KEK can help us! And, we hope the international collaboration about it. 6/Dec/2016 LCWS2016 @Morioka
R&D Plan in F.Y. 2016-2019 Single cavity package w/ cavity, coupler, tuner will be (or maybe) tested in AR-E Lab in 2019. Prototype CM test @AMTF in DESY Horizontal Test Area @AR-E Lab. in KEK 6/Dec/2016 LCWS2016 @Morioka
Summary Crab cavity R&D for ILC will restart from F.Y. 2016 in KEK Detailed specification table, based on TDR, is necessary 3rd harmonic cavity for E-XFEL looks useful for ILC Crab cavity Prototype cavity package will be fabricated and tested in KEK 6/Dec/2016 LCWS2016 @Morioka
Thank you very much for your attention 6/Dec/2016 LCWS2016 @Morioka