Personal Finance project Mr. Buford
CEO Salary is 1,000,000 a year $83,333.33 per month Married with 3 kids wife stays at home.
Taxes Taxes equal $8333.33x .3 = $25,000 Monthly salary after taxes $58,333
Housing cont. Mortgage payment $14,393
TV, Phone and Internet AT&T phone, DirecTV, and AT&T internet $200 Cell Phone $200 Total Monthly Balance - $57,933
Grocery We will eat good $2000 Total Monthly Balance $55,933
Utilities Electric $2250 Water $50 Trash $ 45 Total Monthly Balance $53,588
Car Insurance Geico $1000 Total Monthly Balance $54,933
Total House Payment Mortgage $14,393 Property Taxes 2158.95 Insurance 719.65 Total $17,271.60 Total Monthly Balance $37,316.40
Transportation Cost Buy a 2016 BMW 528i $855.95 Buy a BMW x5 $1200
Transportation Cost Gasoline Cost $400.00 Total Monthly Balance $34,916.40
Savings/ Emergency Fund $10,000 Total Monthly Balance $24,916.40
Charity $8400 Total Monthly Balance $16,516.40
Health/ Personal care $2000 Health Care, Hair cuts, Gym Membership, Country Club Membership, Massages, etc. Total Monthly Balance $14516.40
Clothing $2,000 Total Monthly Balance $12,516.40
Entertainment $5000 Total Monthly Balance $7,516.40
Spending 5000.00 Total Monthly Balance $2,516.40
Summary I am fortunate to have a great job and even after all expenses I have $2000 left to add to savings.