FY16 Final Reports Operating Support - Project Support -


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Presentation transcript:

FY16 Final Reports Operating Support - Project Support - Organizational and Professional Development

Agenda Intro What’s new for FY16 Log-in Operating Support Project Support Organizational Support Q & A

Intro We will review the online final report forms for Operating Support, Project Support and Organizational and Professional Development grants. The on-line final reports will be explained in detail. You will be asked to complete project and/or organizational information, answer narrative questions, complete budget information, and provide materials to document programs, events, and/or services funded by the grant during the reporting period of July 2015 – June 2016.

What’s new for FY16 Why data? A success story that we can use for advocacy Images that can be used for advocacy and promotion of the arts Checking for proper credit

Why Data? To Assess: Identify audience (who are they, where are they, who else?) Evaluate your work: The need/demand? Resources used? Does it match the organization’s mission and goals? Quality of the work? What areas need improvement? To Show Impact: the influence your work has on the community To Inform: fundraise and advocate

How is data used? Documentation of participants and audience served are essential for advocacy and fundraising for the arts. To identify the organizations’ data collection challenges to develop tools to provide more help and support. The combined data from all of the final reports will provide a snap shot into the profile of the arts audience in Fairfax . This information will be shared and assist with marketing and the Master Arts Plan. Organizations can benefit from using the data to support their grant applications. In this first year of the new Final Report format, please do your best to complete all of the fields. Incomplete information will be accepted for FY16. For example, some organizations may only capture data for some of the participants and attendees or limited activities.

Log In Log-in to https://artsfairfax.culturegrants.org/ Click on ‘Dashboard’.

Dashboard 3. Select ‘Final Report’ from the appropriate grant cycle and program.

Organizational Data and Statistics Public Participants and Participating Professionals/Volunteers Projected Public Participants and Participating Professionals/Volunteers   Actual Public Participants and Participating Professionals/ Volunteers Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Name of Activity/ Event Number of Public Participants you projected (Audiences/Attendees) Number of Participating Professionals/ Volunteers you projected Total # of Public Participants Total # of Participating Professionals/ Volunteers Total # of Free Tickets (If Applicable) Venue Name Venue Location (City/State) Venue Magisterial District (If Applicable) For example: 01/15/2016 Examples: class, concert, workshop, festival Use Number, for example: 300 Use Number, for example: 15 Use Number, for example: 1,000. Estimate if necessary. Use number, for example: 25 Use Number For Example: Reston, VA For Example: Hunter Mill

Final Report 4. Complete the following application forms: OPERATING SUPPORT Organizational Data and Statistics Narrative Budget Documentation and Support Material Submission PROJECT SUPPORT Project Data and Statistics Project Budget Project Documentation and Support Material ORGANIZATIONAL & PROF. DEV. Project Information

OPERATING SUPPORT Organizational Data and Statistics Enter organization name, award amount, name of person completing the report, title of person completing the report, email address and phone number. (All fields with an asterisk are required.) Public Participants and Participating Professionals/Volunteers data Ethnicity of Public Participants and Participating Professional/Volunteers Geographic Area of Public Participants and Participating Professional/Volunteers Age Range (%) of Public Participants and Participating Professional/Volunteers Participating Professionals and Volunteers How did you publicize your program and activities?

OPERATING SUPPORT cont’d 7. Number of individuals who received newsletters/publications, CD/DVD, announcements, or other promotional materials supported by this grant? 8. How were elected officials (state and local) notified of your activities? Did they attend or respond? 9. Number of schools (If applicable) that benefited from performances, demonstrations, teacher training, or other services supported by this grant? 10. Number of students (If applicable) that benefited from performances, demonstrations, or other services supported by this grant? 11. Arts Education programmers only: Number of teachers, educators, and administrators who received training through this grant? 12. What other partnership agencies/schools did you collaborate with, if any? In the Table below, list other partnerships and funding sources…

Narrative What were the major artistic activities of the past grant year?  Please include title(s) and major artists. Describe any administrative milestones during the past year (changes in key personnel, strategic planning, increased fundraising etc.) Describe the effect of the grant on your organization, its mission, vision, and goals. What is the greatest strength(s) of the  organization?  What is the most important concern(s) - apart from finances - currently facing the organization? 5.How did you evaluate your success and/or setbacks?  What were the results of this evaluation? How has this grant helped you to reach new audiences and contribute to the quality of life and cultural vitality of the Fairfax community? Explain how the grant has been instrumental in attracting additional resources in the form of people, money, goods, services, or publicity. Please share a brief success story about the impact this grant had on your organization and/or the Fairfax community.

Budget Enter fiscal year and method of accounting Complete Expense table, Revenue table and Budget Narrative

Documentation and Support Material Operating Support Grant Documentation: 1. Upload three digital images documenting your programs and activities and provide credit lines(if applicable, please identify the photographer, who is in the photo, when and where it was taken). By sending the images, you are granting the Arts Council of Fairfax County permission to use them in reporting, archival, and promotional information. 2. Upload copies of materials distributed to the public including screenshots of websites, publications, programs, flyers, catalogues, brochures, audience surveys etc. 3. Upload copies of press coverage including magazine and newspaper articles, ads, public service announcements etc. 4. Provide links to video clips and/or recordings of performances. Support Material: Upload your most recent 990 IRS tax form. If you are not required to submit a 990 IRS tax form, please submit a Treasurer's Report for your most recently completed fiscal year.

Traveling Players Diane Coburn Bruning; “Boots" in performance by Ballett Magdeburg in Germany in 2011; Photo Copyright: Nilz Bohme Valerie Theberge completing her mosaic work "Flux" at Dogwood Pool. May 2013; Photo Copyright: Initiative for Public Art – Reston Fairfax Symphony Orchestra – in the community

Submission Complete submission form. Include digital signatures of Chief Administrator and one Board member.

Validate and Submit All form fields are checked for completion. If a field is incomplete, the form will tell you which form and field. Return to the form to enter the field that is required. If no errors are found, select ‘Validate and Submit’ to submit the form.

PROJECT SUPPORT Project Data and Statistics Enter organization name, award amount, name of person completing the report, title of person completing the report, email address and phone number. (All fields with an asterisks if required.) Public Participants and Participating Professionals/Volunteers data Ethnicity of Public Participants and Participating Professional/Volunteers Geographic Area of Public Participants and Participating Professional/Volunteers Age Range (%) of Public Participants and Participating Professional/Volunteers Participating Professionals and Volunteers How did you publicize your program and activities?

PROJECT SUPPORT cont’d 7. Number of individuals who received newsletters/publications, CD/DVD, announcements, or other promotional materials supported by this grant? 8. How were elected officials (state and local) notified of your activities? Did they attend or respond? 9. Number of schools (If applicable) that benefited from performances, demonstrations, teacher training, or other services supported by this grant? 10. Number of students (If applicable) that benefited from performances, demonstrations, or other services supported by this grant? 11. Arts Education programmers only: Number of teachers, educators, and administrators who received training through this grant? 12. What other partnership agencies/schools did you collaborate with, if any? In the Table below, list other partnerships and funding sources…

Narrative  Summarize the outcomes of the project ? Highlight significant lessons learned, successes, and challenges.  Were there any unexpected outcomes? Was the project carried out as proposed in the application?  Were any modifications to the plan necessary? If so, please describe. What effects did the modifications have on the project? What will be the long term impact of your project on the community you serve? Describe the effect of this grant on your organization? How have you incorporated the lessons learned into your future work?  .How did you evaluate your success and/or setbacks?  What were the results of this evaluation? How has this grant helped you to reach new audiences? How has this project contributed to the quality of life and cultural vitality of the Fairfax County community? Please respond generally and tell a specific story that demonstrates how the community benefitted. If applicable, explain any plans for ongoing funding, expansion, modification, or replication of the project.

Project Budget Expense Table Revenue Table Proposed grant spending Projected Actual grant spending Actual Actual other spending Actual total spending Notes Budget Narrative

Project Documentation and Support Material Project Documentation: 1. Upload three digital images documenting your programs and activities and provide credit lines. By sending the images, you are granting the Arts Council of Fairfax County permission to use them in reporting, archival, and promotional information. 2. Upload copies of materials distributed to the public including screenshots of websites, publications, programs, flyers, catalogues, brochures, audience surveys etc. 3. Upload copies of press coverage including magazine and newspaper articles, ads, public service announcements etc. 4. Provide links to video clips and/or recordings of performances. Support Material: Upload your most recent 990 IRS tax form. If you are not required to submit a 990 IRS tax form, please submit a Treasurer's Report for your most recently completed fiscal year.

ORGANIZATIONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT INFORMATION Enter organization name, award amount, name and title of person completing report, email address, phone number, project start date and project end date.

Narrative Briefly restate the plan outlined in the original request. Please list the key personnel used for this project; title(s), qualifications and date(s). Were any modifications to the plan necessary? If so, please describe. What effects have modifications had? Describe the effect of this grant on your organization, its mission, vision, and goals. How did the grant improve and sustain your organization’s operation? How did grant impact the community you serve? How has this grant helped you to reach new audiences and contribute to the quality of life and cultural vitality of the Fairfax County community? Lessons learned: What do you consider to be the greatest strength(s) of the project? What do you consider to be the most important concern(s) – apart from finances -- currently facing the organization and did the project address those issues? As applicable, explain any plans for ongoing funding, expansion, modification, or replication of the program. Has this grant been instrumental in attracting additional resources in the form of people, money, goods, services, or publicity? If so, describe.

Budget Expense Table Revenue Table Proposed grant spending Projected Actual grant spending Actual Actual other spending Actual total spending Notes Budget Narrative

Documentation and Support Material Project Documentation: Upload copies of materials associated with the project including planning documents, links to websites, publications, screen shots, brochures, evaluations, audience surveys etc. Support Material: Upload your most recent 990 IRS tax form. If you are not required to submit a 990 IRS tax form, please submit a Treasurer's Report for your most recently completed fiscal year.

Thank You For more information, please feel free to contact our office. Lisa Mariam, Director of Grants, Zhiyan Arif, Data Manager,  571-395-4623, zarif@ARTSFAIRFAX.ORG 571-395-4617, lmariam@ARTSFAIRFAX.ORG Rachelle Etienne-Robinson, Grants Coordinator, 571-395-4618, rerobinson@ARTSFAIRFAX.ORG