Organizing pneumonia (OP)


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Presentation transcript:

Organizing pneumonia (OP) Organizing pneumonia (OP). There is fibromyxoid granulation tissue within alveolar ducts accompanied by a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. Notable is the absence of hyaline membranes, necrosis, neutrophilic or eosinophilic infiltrate, granulomas, and established fibrosis. 10× objective. (Used with permission of Robert Homer, MD, PhD, Yale School of Medicine.) Source: Interstitial Lung Disease: A Clinical Overview and General Approach, Fishman's Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders, 5e Citation: Grippi MA, Elias JA, Fishman JA, Kotloff RM, Pack AI, Senior RM, Siegel MD. Fishman's Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders, 5e; 2015 Available at: Accessed: October 30, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved