Government Affairs Manager National PTA Lindsay Kubatzky Joshua Westfall Government Affairs Manager National PTA Lindsay Kubatzky Government Affairs Coordinator National PTA
Agenda 1. National PTA Position on School Choice 2. Types of School Vouchers 3. Federal Voucher Programs and Legislation 4. National PTA Resources
Question of the Day: Does National PTA oppose all school choice options for children and families?
Public School Choice The National PTA supports educational choices within public schools and believes that parents should be involved in the planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of public school choice plans.
Other District Schools Out of District Public Schools Public School Choice In District Choices Out of District Choices Other District Schools Magnet Schools Out of District Public Schools In School Programs As long as families are engaged, students have access to free transportation, assure equal educational opportunities and public funds are used for public schools Special programs within a school Choice of public school within the same district Choice of a school in another district Magnet schools (specialized program & aligned curricula)
Does National PTA support charter schools? 2nd Question of the Day Does National PTA support charter schools?
Are there such things as “private” charter schools? BONUS Question of the Day Are there such things as “private” charter schools?
Charter Schools Position Statement Free Open Public Funds Are Not Diverted Accountable Certified Teachers Engage Families Be open to all students Free of both tuition charges and fees Do not divert funding from public schools Comply with federal and state laws governing public schools (accountability) Ensure that professional staff is certified for the position(s) they hold Ensure meaningful family engagement
Private School Vouchers/Choice
Private School Vouchers National PTA has a longstanding position statement opposing any private school choice system—vouchers, tax credits or deductions—that would divert public school resources.
9 Reasons to Oppose Voucher Schemes Violate Principles of Religious Freedom Take Away Public School Funding Don’t Help Students with Disabilities Don’t Improve Education Lack Accountability Students Lose Rights Schools Choose the Kids Vouchers Don’t Help Kids in Poverty Vouchers Aren’t Popular Religion: Public tax payer money can go to religious schools Funding: Reduces overall dollars, number of students served and puts larger burden on community SWD: Doesn’t offer them FAPE or accommodations—sign away rights Education: Studies show no increases in math or reading scores and often students do worse Accountability: Don’t have to follow federal or state standards (including assessments) Students lose rights: IDEA, Title IX, Due Process, Free Speech, Open records Schools Choose: no parents decision. Can deny entry due to money, academic records, disability, religion or gender Poverty: often the tuition is higher than the federal or state subsidy Popularity: Not in every state and especially hard for rural areas
Education Savings Account Portability (Title I or IDEA) Traditional Tuition Tax Credits Education Savings Account Portability (Title I or IDEA) 4 Types of Private School Voucher Schemes
Public Education Funding Structure Taxpayer Federal Government States School Districts Public Schools
Portability (Title I or IDEA) Taxpayer Federal Government States Follows the Child
Traditional Private School Vouchers Taxpayer Government Student Private School
Education Savings Accounts Taxpayer Government Savings Account Private School Student
Scholarship Granting Organization Individual or Corporation Tuition Tax Credits Scholarship Granting Organization Individual or Corporation Government Student Private School
Private School Choice National Snapshot States with private school choice include: AL, AZ, CO, DC, FL, GA, IL, IN, IA, KS, LA, ME, MD, MN, MS, MT, NH, NV, NC, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VT, VA and WI DC voucher program—only federally funded voucher program 52 private school choice programs across 24 states 26 private school vouchers programs 21 tax-credit scholarships 5 education savings accounts
Federal Voucher Proposals Choices in Education Act Educational Opportunities Act SOAR Act Federal Budget Proposals
National PTA Resources
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