Sore Manhood Prevention with a Member Pump


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Presentation transcript:

Sore Manhood Prevention with a Member Pump

The member pump is often prescribed as an aid for men who have tumescence dysfunction issues. But there are also many men free of such issues who use the pump for what might be termed “recreational purposes” – to grow their member temporarily, often in a manner which gives it an “inflated” look. There can be male organ health concerns when using a member pump, including a sore manhood. Taking steps to prevent this sore manhood is advised.male organ health It should be noted that many medical professionals caution against the use of a member pump unless prescribed by a doctor. Because the pump involves using a tightly sealed cylinder to create a vacuum around the manhood which then draws blood into the organ, there is a risk of injury, especially if used improperly.

Sore manhood prevention It makes sense that a member pump might create a sore manhood. After all, the member is being manipulated in a manner to which it has proven resistant (for those with tumescence issues) or a manner which hopes to extend its growth in an unfamiliar pattern (for many seeking an inflated look). For some men, soreness may be inevitable. However, the following tips can be helpful in reducing the potential for soreness. - Read and follow the instructions. This is absolutely essential. Soreness and more severe injury are much less likely to occur if a man uses the member pump correctly. Pumps acquired through a medical prescription should include reliable and thorough instructions and warnings. However, be advised that some pumps not acquired through medical prescription may not be regulated and therefore may not include full and complete instructions.

- Select the right pump. Be sure to get a cylinder which will comfortably accommodate the manhood. If starting out, be sure that the pump is not one intended only for more “advanced” users and has a gauge that includes a sufficiently low pressure setting. Too high a pressure setting, especially when starting out, can cause a sore manhood. - Use creme. Unless otherwise specifically stated in the instructions, the member should be lubricated before being inserted into the cylindrical tube.

- Slow and steady is good. Many men may want to “jump in head first,” so to speak, to the member pump experience. However, it is important to take things slowly and not rush. Because the member is going to be manipulated in an unfamiliar manner, it’s akin to exercising a muscle that hasn’t been used in a particular way. It takes time to get the manhood accustomed to the manipulation. The pump should not be used for too long a time (especially during the first few sessions) or at too high a pressure reading. And although the pump usually can be used on a daily basis, it’s better to not do so initially but build up to that. (If given prescribed instructions, it is important to follow those to the letter.)

- Use manhood rings sparingly. Many men will slip a manhood ring on the base of the member after the pump has successfully achieved the desired tumescence. It is usually recommended that the ring be used only for a limited length of time; thirty minutes is often the recommended period. - Stop if it doesn’t feel right. If a guy thinks he may have an injury, he should immediately stop use of and remove the pump until the member is healthy again.

While the above tips may help prevent a sore manhood due to member pump usage, some soreness may still occur. Using a first rate male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) may help alleviate that soreness. Often the member skin has been damaged and needs repair, so using a crème with a combination of hydrating agents (such as vitamin E and Shea butter) is desired. In addition, the crème should include L carnitine, an amino acid that can help restore loss of sensation which may accompany overaggressive or rough handling of the manhood.male organ health crème