TWIC Compliance MERPAC Meeting April 17, 2009 LT Devon Brennan COMDT (CG-5442)
Statistics as of April 15, 2009 Enrollments: 1,100,000+ Activations: 890,000+ Weekly Enrollments: 20,000 Weekly Activations: 24,000 Merchant Mariners*: 125,000+
TWIC Compliance to Date: Minor implementation issues across the 42 COTP Zones Use of Escorting clearly articulated (trucks, rail, labor, etc) Fraudulent Cases Future PAC Decisions
Guidance Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 03-07 Provides guidance, clarification, and details on the implementation of the first TWIC Final Rule to Industry and Coast Guard members Policy Advisory Council; 15 decisions published 01-07 TWIC & Law Enforcement Officials & Other Regulatory Agencies 02-07 Escorting Aboard U.S.-Flagged Vessels Operating in Foreign Waters 02-08 Federal & Law Enforcement Officials Authority to Act as Escorts on Regulated Facilities & Vessels 03-08 Escorting Standards for ‘Persons in Addition to Crew’ 07-08 TWIC Activation Outage / Limited Equivalent Security Measure – Change 8 08-08 Private, Non-Governmental Emergency Responders Access to Regulated Facilities and Vessels for Mutual Aid Response 01-09 U.S. Flag Overnight Passenger Vessels in Domestic Trade “Other Persons in Crew” 02-09 Training Requirements for Escorts on Regulated Facilities and Vessels 03-09 Change 1 - 30 Day Unescorted Access Extension to Individuals Awaiting Receipt of a Replacement TWIC 05-09 – Limited Equivalent Security Measure for MTSA Regulated Vessels, CG Credentialed Mariners and OCS Facilities
SAFE Port Act Pilot Test Pilot Test Requirements: Evaluate technical performance of TWIC card / biometric reader function Evaluate operational and business process impact of conducting biometric verification of identity in various maritime facility and vessel operating scenarios Current Participants Port Authority of Los Angeles Includes: Catalina Express Ferry Operations Port Authority of Long Beach Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Port Authority of Brownsville, TX Watermark Cruises, Annapolis, MD (Tour Boat Operation) Magnolia Marine, Mississippi (Inland Rivers Towboat Operation) Staten Island Ferry
TWIC Reader Rulemaking SAFE Port Act – final rule must be implemented 2 years after commencement of pilot program First data from pilot received Fall 2008; final rule deadline = Fall 2010 ANPRM Status Published in the Federal Register March 27, 2009; 60 day public comment period Very aggressive timeline needed to meet deadline Other SAFE Port Act requirements: Comment period for NPRM must include at least one public meeting Final Report to Congress at least 180 days before final rule Final Rule must be consistent with the findings of the pilot program
ANPRM Public Meeting/Docket Docket/Meeting specifics: Public meeting to be held at The Crystal City Sheraton Hotel on May 6, 2009 to receive both oral and written comments. One may also submit written comments identified by docket number USCG-2007-28915 before or after the meeting using any one of the following methods: (1) Federal eRulemaking Portal: (2) Fax: 202-493-2251. (3) Mail: Docket Management Facility (M-30), U.S. Department of Transportation, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, D.C. 20590-0001. (4) Hand delivery: Same as mail address above, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The telephone number is 202-366-9329.
More Information Questions? TSA website – Enrollment Information Pilot Program FAQs Enrollment Contractor – TWIC Helpdesk – 1.866.DHS.TWIC USCG website – -Final Rulemakings, Compliance Notices & Framework -Navigation & Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 03-03 -Policy Advisory Council (PAC) Decisions -FAQs USCG Helpdesk – 1.877.MTSA.AID, Option 1 or Questions?