Homework Topics Visits Reading Expectations Any questions? Welcome to Year 4 Homework Topics Visits Reading Expectations Any questions?
Topics for the year Habitats Victorians Winter Wonderland India Ancient Greeks
New Curriculum Introduced in 2014 to raise standards- higher expectations in all year groups. Emphasis on fluent and deep understanding in maths; confident writers and readers who can comprehend a whole range of books. Year 4 expectations-Learn all times tables by end of year 4, know all spelling rules from Year 3+4 spelling list, write in a range of styles with increasing stamina, read and be able to answer questions on a range of books.
Homework Weekly test of spellings (Tuesday) and mental maths (times tables) every Friday Reading for 15 minutes 5x a week. Signatures in planners. Use reading wall to choose books- idea to encourage broad reading. Maths activity to reinforce weekly learning; spellings; grammar; some topic homework- 1 project a term.
Visits & Trips & Meetings Usually one visit/workshop per term Beaulieu 18th October-20th Parents’ Evening- 7th November and 9th November
Behaviour In line with the Whole School Behaviour Policy- consistent and fair All children signed Class Agreement= 2 warnings, miss part of play to reflect, quick e-mail to you. Class Minutes- ‘reward’ for whole class/team work Star box= children who challenge themselves + Chance box= general Smilies and house-points for behaviour and work
Contact Before and after school Write in planners E-mail (csmith@royal-kent.surrey.sch.uk) Contact office to make an appointment Surgery after school
THE END! Thank you for your support! Any further questions??