Major G. Junior Virgo Industrial Experience Coordinator UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, JAMAICA (UTech) School of Engineering (SOE) Industrial Work Experience Programme (IWEP) Major G. Junior Virgo Industrial Experience Coordinator
Overview Introduction Placement of students Student Indemnity Discrimination and Sexual Discrimination Employers’ Responsibility Evaluation of Students Work Benefits Student Health Insurance Students Identification Industrial Work Experience Student
Introduction SOE's Industrial Work Experience Programme (IWEP ) is governed by the rules and regulations of UTech’s Co-operative Education (Co-opEd) Programme. Students must complete 400 hours of industrial work experience as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the BEng degree. Students’ activities are monitored by the School’s Industrial Experience Coordinator (IEC)
Placement of students SOE IEC schedules interviews directly with industry personnel. or Students make initial contact with industry followed by a letter of introduction from the IEC. Industry personnel make direct contact with the IEC through UTech's job placement centre or the Co-op Ed Unit. IWE intends to prepare work-ready graduates therefore students should be placed in an environment that will achieve the stated objective
Student Indemnity Letters of indemnity are issued by UTech via the Student Service division. The format and content of letters of indemnity are in compliance with the Co-opEd regulations but may be modified to satisfy industrial requirements.
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment IWE students are entitled to full protection under the anti-discrimination laws of the host country. IWE students must be protected against all forms of sexual harassment at the work place. Utech will terminate its relationship with any organization that does not protect its students against acts of discrimination and harassment.
Employers’ Responsibility Interviewing and Selecting students Maintaining confidentiality of IWE student records Assisting with the development of the student through supervision and guidance. Assigning a training/work schedule Providing orientation, training and feedback in a timely manner
Assessment and Evaluation Supervisors are expected to assess the students’ performance throughout the internship period and submit an evaluation to the IEC within two weeks of completion of all assignments. Evaluation should be in the form of a letter detailing the name of the assigned supervisor, duration of experience, nature of assignments and quality of work performed.
Benefits The employer should offer a package to the IWE student to cover basic expenses and incidentals. Any remuneration offered above and beyond expenses are totally at the discretion of the employer.
Labour Requirements Consistent with WTO regulations students are expected to : Work 40 hours work week Have a lunch break Get compensation for overtime work * NB: Deviations should be communicated to the students & IEC.
Student Identification Students must provide appropriate identification Employers who experience difficulty in obtaining appropriate documentations should contact the IEC
Students Obligation Students are expected to display a level of professionalism and maturity that is consistent with UTech's standards. Employers are within their right to terminate the services of any student that performs below the expected standard. The IEC should be contacted prior to the termination of any student whether by telephone or in writing.