Curriculum Planning and Implementation Group members: Unenbayar. D Mandakh. D Tuvshinlkhagva. N Dorjkhand. Ch
The purpose of the research: analyze the art education program and its usefulness.
Research questions Which grade are you in? Total of 54 students from the First Grade, 118 students from the Second grade were participated.
Research questions 2. Is the art class interesting to you? a. Yes b. No c. No answer
Chart - 1
From the Chart-1, we can see that of those who answered “Yes” were 90 From the Chart-1, we can see that of those who answered “Yes” were 90.7% from the 1st grade and 84.7% of them were from the 2nd grade. And those who answered “No” are 1.8% from the 1st grade and 4.2% were from the 2nd grade. “Not answer” answers were 7.4% from the 1st grade and 11% were from the 2nd grade, they all answered to our question.
Research questions 3. Would you be interested in participating in art's contest if there was one? a. If yes why b. If no why
Chart - 2
Chart -2 was an open question, and those who participated were total of 172 students from the 1st and 2nd grade; of these students 65% of the answered as “will participate” and over 30% of the answered as “will not participate”. And the about 5% of them “Did not answer at all”. Then: Will participate; answered to a question /because/: To know myself in what level of arts Self development show my arts to others and get an example of others I can draw It is interesting Will NOT participate; answered to a question /because/ : I cannot draw well enough I cannot sketch I did not learn enough yet I am busy Not interesting
Research question 4. The Difference between the art at General Education School and the art at Preschool Education School? Education equipment Different method Different meaning Different of conclude Not answer
The Difference between the art at General Education School and the art at Preschool Education Chart - 3 Use of Education; By the way to fit the children’s mind; The difference in between; No answer at all; Do not know;
To the question “What do you think of the difference and the similarities in arts at General Education School and at Preschool Education school?”, over 90% of the students divided the differences into five different categories, but they could not give any answer to the similarities.
Research question 5. In what type of drawings can you express yourself? à. By the art type á. By the graphical type â. By the sketch type ã. By the type of Martan /National/ ä. By the type of Nyagtan/National/
Chart - 4
If we see from the chart above, 1st and 2nd grade students think that they can express themselves through art, graphics and sketch types. And the 1st grade students think that they could not express themselves through Martan and Nyagtan types, but about 2% of the 2nd grade students think that they could. About 5% of all the participating students did not answer to the question.
Research question 6. Is it necessary to have the art study in your life?
Chart - 5
To the question above, about 85% of the 1st and 2nd grade students were answered as “It is necessary”. For example: Related to the job and major type It is good for little children’s development Self development To learn how to express their thoughts and ideas through a drawing Creates the sensitivity to the beauty About 6% of the participants answered as “I do not need”. And about 9% of them did not answer to the question at all.
In conclusion Studying the art history of the World became an interesting topic to students. Students are interested in participation of an art competition and this shows that they are willing to use their ability.
The difference of the graduated students and the General Education School is that graduated students have an ability and the knowledge to teach children. Students are able to study the types of art, graphics and sketch but they think that they should work on planning the Martan and Nyagtan types.
Students Related to the job and major type It is necessary to the little children’s development Self development Students like the art class because they think that they can express themselves through arts.