Let’s Make Animal Cracker Caramel Mud Pie Groupbygroup.wordpress.com
Put instant chocolate pudding mix and 2 cups of milk into a bowl.
Beat until blended and set aside.
Melt 4 tbsp. of butter in a bowl.
Put ¾ cup crushed animal crackers and ½ tbsp. sugar in the bowl with the melted butter and mix together.
Put mixture on the bottom of an 8x8 pan.
Put 8 oz. cream cheese and ¾ cup powdered sugar into a mixing bowl.
Add ¼ cup caramel ice cream topping and beat again. Beat until creamy. Add ¼ cup caramel ice cream topping and beat again.
Put ¾ cup whipped cream in the bowl and mix until blended. Scoop cream cheese mixture onto the animal cracker mixture.
Put the pudding mixture on top of the cream cheese mixture. Top with whipped cream if desired.
Eat and enjoy!