Entry Task #1 – Date Self-concept is a collection of facts and ideas about yourself. Describe yourself in your journal in a least three sentences. What do you believe to be true about yourself?
Entry Task #2 - Date Learning Target: I can explain the difference between self-concept and self-esteem. I can distinguish between examples of characteristics of self-concept (physical attributes, abilities, etc.) and self-esteem (placing value). Success Criteria: I can give an example of a comment that indicates a good self-concept. I can give an example of a comment that indicates a good self-esteem. Journal Entry: Self-esteem involves placing worth or value upon yourself. Make a list of characteristics you think are important in a person Place a * next to those that you believe you possess.
Entry Task #3 - Date Learning Target: I can complete a personal inventory and select statements that reflect areas of low self-esteem. Success Criteria: I will list two or three self-statements that reflect my feeling about myself on a usual basis. I will list two or three self-statement that reflect your feeling about myself on an occasional basis. Journal Entry: DOES ANYONE (A FRIEND OR PARENT, FOR EXAMPLE) TELL YOU, “Quit being so negative about yourself”? What specifically are they referring to? What do other people hear you say about yourself when you are talking?
Entry Task #4 - Date Learning Target: I Can identify available resources to assist me in making decisions or life changes. I can map out general strategies for making decisions or life changes. Success Criteria: I will list three resources or strategies that can be utilized to make changes in situation presented, either Now or in the future. I will list at least three resources or strategies that are unable or unlikely to make changes in the situation presented. Journal Entry: Who is your most supportive or steady human resource? Why? When you envision yourself in a job or career, how important is the financial aspect of it? (minimum 3 bullets/sentences)
Entry task #5 - date Learning Target: I Can identify available resources to assist me in making decisions or life changes. I can map out general strategies for making decisions or life changes. Success Criteria: I will list three resources or strategies that can be utilized to make changes in situation presented, either Now or in the future. I will list at least three resources or strategies that are unable or unlikely to make changes in the situation presented. Journal Entry: there may be something wonderful about yourself that you are hiding from others or that you feel protective about. Why do you feel you can’t share this with others? (Minimum 3 bullets/sentences)
Entry Task #6 Learning Target: I Can identify available resources to assist me in making decisions or life changes. I can map out general strategies for making decisions or life changes. Success Criteria: I will list three resources or strategies that can be utilized to make changes in situation presented, either Now or in the future. I will list at least three resources or strategies that are unable or unlikely to make changes in the situation presented. Journal Entry: what is something you avoid because you assume you will fail? What makes this so difficult for you? Does worrying about what might go wrong do any good? Why do people worry anyway? (minimum 4 bullets/sentences)
Entry Task #7 Learning target: I can create my own self-esteem affirmations. I can identify the steps towards using positive self-talk. Success criteria: I can write at least 5 self-esteem affirmations. I can visualize the steps for positive self talk. Journal entry: complete the following statements: 1. My loved ones are proud of me because: 2. 5 things that went well today were: 3. I feel happiest when:
Entry task #8 - date Learning Target: I can create an interpretation of a drawing starting from the same set of lines. I can recognize that having different perceptions does not automatically make one person right and another wrong. Success criteria: I can draw a personal interpretation of a picture. I can recognize differences in perception and interpretation . Journal Entry: complete the following statements: 1. My best quality is: 2. 3 things that make me unique are: 3. The best part of today was:
Entry task #9 - Date Learning Target: I can create an interpretation of a drawing starting from the same set of lines. I can recognize that having different perceptions does not automatically make one person right and another wrong. Success criteria: I can draw a personal interpretation of a picture. I can recognize differences in perception and interpretation . Journal Entry: complete the following statements: 1. I’m looking forward to: 2. 3 People or things I am grateful for are: 3. I feel strongest when:
Entry task #10 - Date Learning target: I can describe what anxiety means to me. I can identify some of experiences contribute and or relate to my anxiety level. Success Criteria: I can explain in writing how I experience the feeling of anxiety in my body, mind, and emotions. I can explain in writing what I do to manage anxiety when I feel it. Journal Entry: Do you experience anxiety? What does it look like to you? What contributes to your anxiety? (Minimum 3 Bullets/sentences)
Entry Task # 11 Learning Target: I can identify how our bodies respond to anxiety. Success Criteria: I can list situations that cause a Flight-or-fight response. Journal Entry: How does your body respond to stress? Is your typical response to fight or Flight? Why? (minimum 3 Bullets/sentences)
Entry Task #12 - Date Learning target: I can identify that peace is a natural state of being that is already within ourselves. I can identify that peace is hidden by all of the stress and tension we take in and focus on. Success criteria: I can describe a time when I remembered feeling calm. I can describe in words what it was liked to cover up peaceful thoughts with stressful thoughts. Journal Entry: When do you feel the most peaceful? What do you say to yourself to make you feel more at peace when you are stressed? Do you believe that peace is a natural state of being? (minimum 3 bullets/sentences)
Entry task #13 - date Learning target: I can identify two ways to work on managing anxiety. Success criteria: I can describe activities that could be considered prevention. I can describe activities that could be considered intervention. Journal Entry: What do you do to relax? What do you do to help you manage your anxiety? (minimum 4 Bullets/sentences)
Entry Task # 14 - Date Learning Target: I can identify how I experience anxiety. Success Criteria: I can increase my awareness of how I experience anxiety. Journal Entry: What does anxiety feel like to you? Where in your body do you experience anxiety the most? (minimum 3 bullets/sentences)
Entry Task #15 - Date Learning Target: I can identify my anxiety patterns. Success criteria: I can better understand the thoughts and situations that trigger feelings of anxiety. Journal Entry: Have you ever kept a behavior log of your anxiety? Why? Do you think a Behavior log would help you to understand your anxiety patterns? Why? (minimum 4 bullets/sentences)
Entry Task #16 - Date Learning target: I can demonstrate the importance of having a positive attitude. Success Criteria: I can use an anxiety-management tool to help develop a positive attitude. Journal Entry: What situations can cause you to have the most anxiety? Are you able to change your attitude about the situation? Have you been able to turn a stressful situation into a peaceful situation? (minimum 3 bullets/sentences)
Entry task #17 - date Learning target: I can identify that worrying is worthless. Success criteria: I can rate my present anxiety level and chart it. Journal Entry: How much time do you spend worrying on daily basis? What is the number one thing you worry about? Why? (Minimum 3 bullets/sentences)
Entry task #18 - date Learning target: I can describe my all-or-nothing thinking. Success Criteria: I can identify some of the gray areas in my life. Journal Entry: Have you ever said to yourself, “Now I’m a total failure.”? Why or Why Not? Do you feel you need to be perfect? Why or why not? (minimum 4 bullets/sentences)
Entry task #19 - Date Learning Target: I can identify a negative experience that I have overgeneralized. Success Criteria: I can describe a situation that my overgeneralization caused anxiety. Journal Entry: If you have failed at something just once will you never try it again? Why? Do you think it’s okay to fail? Why? (Minimum 4 bullets/sentences)