Mrs. Erickson’s 2nd Grade Memos Special Notes SPECIALS Upcoming Events SOAR to New Heights September 25– October 6 Main Office: 952-496-5952 Absence Line: 952-496-5953 Upcoming Events Sneak Peek of the Next Two Weeks Early Release Day 1:45 PM 9/27 Fall Picture Day 9/29 PTO Meeting 10/3 Pump It Up at 6 pm for 2nd grade 10/12 Read-a-Thon 10/17 NO SCHOOL 10/18-10/22 Fall Party Day 10/31 Picture Retake Day 11/1 PTO Family Bingo Night 11/3 1st Quarter Ends 11/9 NO SCHOOL 11/10 Word Work: This week’s spelling words: shock, rock, chunk, trunk, dish, fish, napkin, magnet, basket Next week: crate, stroke, glide, woke, plate, pride, reptile, naptime, mistake **SPELLING TESTS ON FRIDAYS! Reading: We will begin our reading groups. We will also practice identifying the characters, setting, problem and solution in various stories. Writing: We will continue working on brainstorming ideas for our personal narrative stories making sure we have a beginning, middle and end. Math: We will continue reviewing money, finding patterns within numbers and create partner houses (math facts). Addition and subtraction is also our focus. Health: We are working on an interpersonal conflict and friendship unit. Special Notes ** Our first spelling test will be this Friday! Go on Spelling City to study the words! Here’s the link: Click on List 1 to see this week’s spelling words along with FREE activities to make learning fun! Click on List 2 next week. **Read a Thon kickoff was today which is our main fundraiser for the year. Please see information in the Red Folders. **Our first early release day is this Wed – school is out at 1:45 PM. **Literature Lunch for those who signed up is this Thursday during lunchtime. The book is “Who Would Win? Jaguar vs Skunk”. You can bring a home lunch that day for fun if you would like – optional. My Email: SPECIALS Week of the 25th: Mon: GYM Tues: ART Wed: MUSIC Thurs: GYM Fri: ART Week of the 2nd: Mon: GYM Tues: MUSIC Wed: GYM Thurs: MEDIA Fri: MUSIC