January The Galletti Gazette Upcoming Events: No School- Friday 1/13: Teacher In-service and Monday 1/16: MLK Jr. Day, MAP Math Test 1/20 @ 11:00-12:05, Book Order Due 1/20, KDM Family Bingo Night 1/25 @ 6:30-8:00, PTO Meeting 1/31 @ 7:00 What We’re Learning: Reading: We are having a great time learning so many new things during our nonfiction reading. The students are learning about the different text features that help readers navigate through nonfiction books. We are using our “keys” (strategies) to unlock the world of reading! Writing: Wow! What amazing nonfiction writers we are. The students have really been enjoying what they are learning in their nonfiction reading. They have used this new knowledge to write their very own “All About” book. The students have learned about the different pages that nonfiction writers use in their books and we are becoming experts on our topics! Some of the pages in our books are: title page, fun facts, teaching, and parts of a thing. The students will be publishing soon and bringing their books home to share! Math: We are finishing up our unit on Bar Models. The students have learned that bar models help us to solve problems with addition and subtraction. Next up: Multiplication and Division. Science: We have begun a new unit in Science: Balance and Motion. The students have learned that in order for an object to balance it needs to be able to stay in a position without being held. The students have learned that counterweights are used to help objects balance. Next up: Motion! Our Schedule: Day 1: Library Day 2: Music Day 3: Art Day 4: Gym Day 5: Gym Don’t forgot those hats and gloves! Happy New Year! The new year is here and it is time to get back into Dreambox and reading ! Your child should be going on Dreambox 2 times a week for 10-15 minutes/session. @ Rachel Thorp 2013