Personal Goals Luke 9:51 – 56 John 12: Personal Goals Luke 9:51 – 56 John 12:


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Presentation transcript:

Personal Goals Luke 9:51 – 56 John 12:23 - 28

Goals are a necessity in life if we expect to accomplish anything. We make them everyday whether we realize it or not. We set a goal to get up at a certain time, do certain things during the day, go to bed at a certain time, etc. Sometimes it is wise to write down certain goals so we can look at them from time to see how we are doing, especially long term goals. (budgets, repairs, etc.)

At the beginning of each New Year, some people set goals for themselves; the most popular goal is probably weight loss. The problem with some goals is that they are not attainable, thus we should not make them. As Christians in a local church, we should set some spiritual goals for ourselves.

We want to take a look at some goals and maybe each one of us will work harder to accomplish what the Lord would want from us. Christ set several goals for Himself, which He accomplished perfectly. We need to focus on many things, not just one in our spiritual lives.

Unreasonable Physical Goals Pay off all debts this year Become president of the USA Buy a major corporation Play professional football

Unreasonable Spiritual Goals Go to every other country to teach the gospel Memorize the entire Bible Be able to read the Bible from the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts Teach Congress the Bible Invite everyone in America to our house to study

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Make a list of people I will talk to about the bible Acts 8:4 – Christians went everywhere preaching Acts 8:26 – Philip taught the Ethiopian Acts 10:5–8 – Peter taught Cornelius & others Acts 16:13–14 – Paul & Silas taught Lydia & others 2 Timothy 2:2 – Teach others to teach others 2 Timothy 2:24–26 – Teach to convince the lost

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Make a list of people I will talk to about the bible Start the list soon Check it frequently Don’t get discourage Add to the list Remove names as needed

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Set up a bible study in my home on a regular basis Acts 12:12 – Mary – mother of John Mark Luke 10:38–42 – Jesus taught Mary in her home Acts 10:22 – Cornelius invited others to study Acts 20:20 – Paul studied from house to house

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Set up a bible study in my home on a regular basis With my family With my friends With other Christians With anyone who will study with me

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Set times each day to pray 1 Thessalonians 5:17 – without ceasing Philippians 4:6, 7 – requests with thanksgiving Colossians 1:9 – pray for other Christians 1 Thessalonians 1:2–4 – remember others’ work Ephesians 6:18, 19 – for those who teach

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Set times each day to pray Thank God daily Pray for the local work Pray for the preacher, elders, deacons & saints Pray for the lost Pray for the physically sick Pray for courage Pray for strength Pray for Christians everywhere

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Set times each day to pray Maybe in the car Maybe while lying in bed Maybe before meals Maybe while working

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Assemble with the saints Acts 2:42 – continued steadfastly Acts 12:5 – constant pray by the church Acts 20:7 – 1st day of the week – Lord’s supper Psalm 122:1 – Gladness in being with others

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Assemble with the saints For our good For the good of others For edification For strength For common goals To please God

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Make sure I am prepared for classes 2 Timothy 2:15 – Diligent Hebrews 5:12 – 14 – Seek for the meat of the word 2 Timothy 3:15 – Know them from youth 2 Peter 3:16 – Do not twist them

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Make sure I am prepared for classes To get to know the bible better To participate To edify others To discern between right and wrong

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Get to know others in the local church better Romans 1:11-12 – Share in the mutual faith Acts 2:44–46 – Learn their needs Philippians 4:3 – Help one another in the work 1 Corinthians 12:14–27 – Because it takes all of us

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Get to know others in the local church better We are all part of the same body We can then see the needs of others We can help each other in our weaknesses We can be encouraged We can learn to work together better

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Encourage others – especially those who are weak 1 Thessalonians 5:14 – The strong hold them up Romans 15:1–3 – Be patient with others 1 Corinthians 9:19–23 – Be a servant to all

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Encourage others – especially those who are weak Spend time with them Invite them to our homes Invite them to go places with us Study with them Remember I was weak once I could become weak again

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Use my abilities to the fullest Matthew 25:14–30 – Abilities come from God 1 Corinthians 12:14-16 – Each part has a use Romans 12:6–8 – Learn our strengths

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Use my abilities to the fullest Prophecy - Teaching Ministering – Serving Teaching Exhorting Giving Leading Showing mercy

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Be hospitable (fond of guests) 1 Peter 4:9 – Show others we care Romans 12:13 – Make it a part of our lives

Reasonable Spiritual Goals Be hospitable (fond of guests) Welcome visitors Have people in my home Go out to eat with others Go to be with someone else Don’t grumble about it Just do it

Summary Make a list of people I will talk to about the bible Set up a bible study in my home this year on a regular basis Make set times each day to pray Assemble with the saints Make sure I am prepared for classes Get to know others in the local church better Encourage others, especially the weak Use my abilities to the fullest Be hospitable