Practical Exercise Resources ALL RESOURCES HERE ARE OPTIONAL
Tactical Actions Integrated Attack Dispersed Attack Overmatch Fix, attack key systems Synchronized action of enabling elements Dispersed Attack No overmatch/unable to C2 Continuous, multi-directional Coordinated asynchronous attacks by enabling elements Reconnaissance Attack Find & fix/destroy Prevent obstruction of main force mov’t Assault Red has actual (or temporary) overmatch Seize / destroy Ambush Red chooses location, means Blue determines time Destroy/acquire key system Raid
Tactical Actions Area Defense Maneuver Defense Red chooses location, means Blue determines time Destroy/acquire key system Maneuver Defense Force attackers’ culmination Create opportunity to attack key enemy system(s) Limited Objective Attacks Spoiling Attack Counterattack
Common Tactical Missions Contain: stop, hold, or surround enemy forces or to cause them to center their activity on a given front and prevent them from withdrawing any part of their forces for use elsewhere. Block: denies the enemy access to an area or prevents his advance in a direction or along an avenue of approach. Fix: prevents the enemy from moving any part of his force from a specific location for a specific period…or obstacle effect with fires and obstacles to slow movement. Delay: trades space for time by slowing down the enemy’s momentum and inflicting maximum damage on the enemy without, in principle, becoming decisively engaged. Disrupt: direct and indirect fires, terrain, and obstacles to upset an enemy’s formation or tempo, interrupt his timetable, or cause enemy forces to commit prematurely or attack in piecemeal fashion. Turn: forcing an enemy force from one avenue of approach or mobility corridor to another. C B F These are mission task symbols—not tactics. The symbol can also illustrate an obstacle effect. However, effective operations require a “common language.” Can you describe a symbol with clarity and correct meaning? There are other mission tasks and obstacle effect symbols. Know your TC 7-100.2, Opposing Force Tactics (2011). Know your TC 7-100.3, irregular opposing Forces (20140. Know your US Army ADRP 1-02 (2013). Know that a complete update of Terms and Military Symbols will be staffed and published in 2014. D D T
Functional Tactics Worksheet Mission: Action Accomplishes the mission How do I _________? Enabling Assists mission accomplishment How do assist _________? Step 1: Identify Functions Start with success Action Element first; Enabling Element(s) second ID action form, executable task, and purpose Example – Modify as needed Step 2: Allocate Resources Who can do this? What do they need? Step 3: Synchronize Where do I have to be to employ capability? _____Zone _______ Element T: P: 1X
Example – Modify as needed KSWFF Movement & Maneuver REMARKS WEAKNESS STRENGTH CAPABILITY SYSTEM WFF 7.62mm rounds AK-47 Range (m): Effective: 300 Maximum: 800 Weight: 3.8 kg Simple to maintain and produce Limited range/accuracy Example – Modify as needed
Example – Modify as needed WfF by Phase WfF 1: Counter-Recon 2: Fix Fwd BPs 3: Assault OBJ Remarks MNVR 1 MNVR 2, 3 Recon Fires INFOWAR MOB/Ctr Mob Aviation Irregulars C2 Example – Modify as needed
*o/o reverts to parent MECH BN Sample Functional Callouts [Functional Element] [Forces] T: [task] P: [purpose] [remarks] Fixing Force 1x Mech BDET T: Fix western BP P: Prevent FOM during Ph3 o/o Support eastern fix Sample Task Organization of BTG in Integrated Attack Isolation Forces Exploitation Forces Fixing Forces II II II II L II II Disruption Forces Disruption Forces Disruption Forces 152mm 6x 220mm 122mm 2x I I Composite IDF BDET 3x I I + INS CDET INFO WAR SPF I GUER CDET G SPF W A H Main Body I I Security Forces Support Elements I I I Security BDET REAR/SUPPORT ELEMENTS 3x I I- SPT * *o/o reverts to parent MECH BN
Symbology Resources Attack by Fire Position (Planned) Infiltration Exfiltration Attack by Fire Position (Engaging) Exfiltration Observation- Surveillance arc Support by Fire Position (Planned) Indirect Fire in Progress (Engaging) Support by Fire Position (Engaging) Direct Fire in Progress (Engaging). Ambush Position (Planned) Indirect Fire (Planned) Direct Fire (Planned). Ambush Position (Engaging) Improvised Explosive Device IED
Unit Blanks II II X II II II II I II II II II II II II II II SPF II II Annotation II Annotation Large Small Frames X Annotation II Annotation Frames II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation X Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation I Annotation Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation I Annotation Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation Primary Roles Primary Roles II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation INFO WAR SPF II Annotation II Annotation INFO WAR II Annotation SPF II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation Mobility Modifiers II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation Mobility Modifiers Lower 1/3 (below Role) II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation II Annotation G I Annotation G Annotation G Annotation I Annotation I Annotation II G Annotation I G Annotation G Annotation I Annotation I
Activities SPF Burglary Shooting Drive-by Shooting Robbery Kidnapping THF Theft THF K K Assassination SAB Sabotage SAB AS A S RIOT Riot RIOT IED INFO WAR IED G Blank
Unit Blanks I I I I X I I X II I I SPF Large Small Frames Frames Primary Roles Primary Roles II II INFO WAR SPF INFO WAR II SPF Mobility Modifiers II Mobility Modifiers Lower 1/3 (below Role)