Lesson 11 Pre-emptive Bidding Bridge for Beginners Lesson 11 Pre-emptive Bidding
Homework – Question 1 Opponents open 1. What do you bid? 1 Pass AJ765 A8765 8 Q5 T7632 K4 87 QJT8 AQ7 Q986 Q853 Q6 A76 K6 76 QJT865 1 Pass P or 1NT 2 AJ754 QT 3 AJ653 AKJ8 K5 J6 QJT86 AK75 K5 KQ8 Q743 AK AKJT65 Q5 JT6 1 2 1NT 2
Homework – Question 2 Overcall 1 1 1 1NT Your Bid? P 3 1 Opponents have opened 1. Partner has overcalled. What do you bid? A K Overcall 1 1 1 1NT Your Bid? P 3 1 J T 9 7 2 7 5 3 6 4 3
Homework – Question 3 Overcall 2 2 2 1NT Your Bid? 4 2 3 Opponents have opened 1. Partner has overcalled. What do you bid? Overcall 2 2 2 1NT Your Bid? 4 2 3 A K Q 8 5 T 9 8 6 J 7 6 4
Pre-emptive Bidding HCP are very important in NT contracts In Suit Contracts length is as important So we use rule of 20 When the shape is more extreme HCP are less important
And a poor defensive hand 1 would mislead partner Pre-emptive Bidding Consider this hand We have 8 HCP Rule of 20 = 18 We have 7 ’s And a poor defensive hand 1 would mislead partner We make a pre-emptive bid of 3 6 5 4 A Q 8 7 6 5 2 8 Q 7
Opening Bids Opening 1 of a suit is a normal opener Usually 12-19 HCP Opening 2 of a suit is strong Usually 20+ HCP More next week!! Opening 3 or more of a suit Is weak and pre-emptive
Requirements for a Pre-empt At least 7 of the suit bid About 6-9 HCP With longer suit fewer HCP are needed No other 4 card major
Objectives of a Pre-empt To get in opponents way They probably have a fit in another suit They may well be stronger than your side You can make it hard for them to find their best contract You do not expect to make the contract But 1 off vul or 2 off non-vul is likely to be good for your side
Assessing what to Bid We should pre-empt as high as is safe Subtract 2 from the long suit length With 7 cards that gives 5 Add 1 for each A and K Add 2 vul or 3 non-vul If the result is 9 bid at the 3 level If 10 bid at the 4 level If 11 bid a major at the 4 level and a minor at the 5 level
Pre-emptive Bidding – Hand 1 We have 8 HCP Rule of 20 = 18 We have 7 ’s So count 5 Add 1 for the Ace Add 2 or 3 according to vulnerability Vul = 8 – so PASS Non-vul = 9 Bid 3 6 5 4 A Q 8 7 6 5 2 8 Q 7
Pre-emptive Bidding – Hand 2 We have 8 HCP Rule of 20 = 18 We have 8 ’s So count 6 Add 1 for the Ace Add 2 or 3 according to vulnerability Vul = 9 – so Bid 3 Non-vul = 10 Bid 4 6 5 A Q 8 7 6 5 4 2 8 Q 7
Pre-emptive Bidding – Hand 3 We have 8 HCP Rule of 20 = 18 We have 7 ’s So count 5 Add 1 for the K Add 2 or 3 according to vulnerability Vul = 8 – so Pass Non-vul = 9 Bid 3 K 6 5 Q 8 7 6 5 4 2 8 Q 7
Pre-emptive Bidding – Hand 4 We have 8 HCP Rule of 20 = 19 We have 7 ’s And we have 4 ’s So open 1 We may find a better fit in ’s But if opponents start bidding jump to 3 K 8 6 5 K 8 7 6 5 4 2 Q 7
Pre-emptive Bidding – Hand 5 We have 4 HCP Rule of 20 = 14 We have 7 ’s Count is 5 Pass Too weak for a pre-empt Although very temping at favourable vulnerability 8 6 4 Q 9 8 7 6 4 2 8 Q 7
Responding to Partner’s Pre-empt Remember that partner is weak The bid is meant to get in opponents way By taking up much of the bidding space This often makes it difficult for us to find the right contract
Responses to Pre-emptive Bidding – Hand 1 Partner has opened 3 We have 14 HCP And honours in the other suits 3NT looks very inviting How will you run partner’s ’s With only 1 entry? Sadly you must Pass You need 2 of the pre-empt suit for a NT try K 6 5 4 A Q 8 7 8 K Q 5 2
Responses to Pre-emptive Bidding – Hand 2 Partner has opened 3 We have 16 HCP And honours in the other suits 3NT looks very inviting Now we have 2 entries So bid 3NT hoping to run partners long minor A K 6 5 A 8 7 T 8 K Q 5 2
Responses to Pre-emptive Bidding – Hand 3 Partner has opened 3 We have 13 HCP And 6 ’s 3NT looks doubtful Bid 3 The new suit at the 3 level shows 6 of the suit Partner supports the major with 2 cards Re-bids the minor with fewer A Q J 8 7 3 K 3 K 6 4 T 9
Responses to Pre-emptive Bidding – Hand 4 Partner has opened 3 We have 9 HCP And 7 ’s Both weak hands PASS Never bid a pre-empt over partner’s pre-empt You would be at the 4 level But if opponents bid a major Support partner’s ’s A 7 6 8 3 9 A J T 9 7 5 4
When Opponents Pre-empt You bid them to mess up opponents They will do the same to you! In general If you would have overcalled opponents when they opened 1 of a suit You should bid over their pre-empt
Overcalling a Pre-emptive Bid Opponent has opened 3 We have 16 HCP Bid 3 If you Pass The pre-empt has been successful Opponents have probably stolen your contract! So bid if you can A Q J 7 6 A K J 7 4 J 8 2
Pre-emptive Overcalls If opponents open 1 of a suit And you have a pre-emptive hand Make a pre-emptive overcall Using the same rules as for pre-emptive openings
You make it hard for them to find a fit Pre-emptive Overcall 4 RHO bids 1 You should overcall 3 You make it hard for them to find a fit And partner knows what your hand is like K Q T 6 5 4 2 Q 6 3 5 4
Never Ever Pre-empt over partner’s opening bid Health Warning Never Ever Pre-empt over partner’s opening bid We are trying to mess up the opponents Partners get very upset!
Summary Pre-empts are powerful weapons Pre-empts are sacrificial Not expected to make But to get in opponents way Be careful not to punish partner for pre-empting by getting carried away with the bidding