Stage Name Lake County IDPA Course Designer: Name SCENARIO: GUN READY CONDITION: STRINGS: X SCORING: X rounds min, Unlimited TARGETS: X threat, X non threat, SCORED HITS: Best 2 per paper START-STOP: Audible - Last shot RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook COVER GARMENT: Required STAGE PROCEDURE:
Lake County IDPA - SAMPLE Course Designer: Mark Carey Light My Fire Course Designer: Mark Carey SCENARIO: You are camping with your spouse and 3 children. Around midnight you hear strange voices and muffled cries. You grab your gun and flashlight to investigate and discover 4 armed men have grabbed your children. Engage bad guys and rescue your children. GUN READY CONDITION: Magazine loaded to division capacity on table. STRINGS: 1 SCORING: 12 rounds min, Unlimited TARGETS: 4 threat, 3 non threat SCORED HITS: Best 3 per paper START-STOP: Audible - Last shot RULES: Current IDPA Rulebook COVER GARMENT: Not required STAGE PROCEDURE: At the audible, get your firearm and flashlight from the table and engage T1 through T4 in tactical priority with three rounds each. To avoid procedural errors, flashlight must be pointed at each target while engaging (simulating night-time conditions). T4 Drop Out Shoot T3 T1 T2 Do not move forward of this line. TABLE P1
Flop-Up Flop-Up Flop-Up Flop-Up Plate Flop-Up Plate Flop-Up USP2 PP2 Drop Out Penalty Drop Out Penalty Out & Back NS Out & Back Target Drop Out Shoot Drop Out Shoot Flop-Up Flop-Up Can-Can Array Flop-Up Flop-Up PP1 PP2 USP2 USP1 T10 Plate Flop-Up Plate Flop-Up
Free Fire Zone
PORT COVER, copy and paste to cover or change size of see-thru ports Walls with see-thru ports PORT COVER, copy and paste to cover or change size of see-thru ports Ungroup this wall, then click above, below, left or right of the port and resize the opening, then group the object again.
Walls with see-thru doorways & removable doors Copy and paste, resize or edit points of this panel to cover or change a see thru doorway. Doors- copy and paste these to make a door wall.