The New Nation Faces Challenges Chapter 4 – Section 2 Pgs. 120-124 Standards 8.2.2 & 8.3.5
Objectives: Today we will learn about the problems the new nation faced. So we can understand that a new constitution was needed. We will know that we understand it when we can describe the domestic & international problems the Articles of Confederation could not fix.
Relations with Other Countries Articles of Confederation, Congress could not force states to provide soldiers for an army Continental Army disbanded after Treaty of Paris was signed This led the United States to have difficulties with other nations.
Trouble with Britain Hard to make the British leave without force
Trade with Britain British closed ports to American ships Britain forced American merchants to pay high tariffs Reflection Q’s: What is a tariff? How does it impact trade?
Trade with Spain Spain closed the Mississippi to shipping Deal could not be passed through Congress to work with Spain States upset with national gov. and no military to force countries to work with America
Impact of Closed Markets Closing of British ports (West Indies) greatly hurt the American economy Also had to use British ships to transport good = expensive Confederation Congress could not correct situation because they didn’t have the power to pass tariffs or force states to pass tariffs
Economic Problems Domestic money troubles!
Trade among States Confederation Congress could not regulate inter-state trade States did what was best for them, not the country
Inflation After the war, there were huge war debts and overdue taxes Some states printed more money, Money is worth less Caused inflation = Once again, Congress can do nothing to stop it
Weak Economy People left Rhode Island to escape being paid back w/ worthless money Loss of trade w/ Britain and inflation caused a depression Reflection Q: What is an economic “depression”?
Shay’s Rebellion Shay’s Rebellion pointed out weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation Heavy debts for farmers No printing of worthless money Farmers had to pay the new taxes Courts – Pay taxes or sell land
Farmer’s Rebel August 1786, farmers rebel Forced closure of courts in Mass. Closed courts = no one’s property taken Reflection Q: Who was Daniel Shays? What was the Shay’s Rebellion?
Shay’s Defeat Shay’s forces defeated by state troops in January 1787 Many sent to prison or executed However, rebels were soon freed Reflection Q: Why would the state officials free the rebels, including Shay’s?
Calls for Change Many weaknesses in the Confederation gov. Articles of Confederation failed to protect the ideals of the Declaration of Independence James Madison and Alexander Hamilton called all 13 states to send delegates to a Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in May 1787 Revise the Articles
Checking for Understanding
Domestic Problems (within U.S.) International Problems (outside U.S.) Directions: Use the G.O. to identify the domestic and international problems that arose under the Articles of Confederation. Domestic Problems (within U.S.) International Problems (outside U.S.)
Domestic Problems (within U.S.) 1. No power to regulate interstate commerce 1. Could not pass tariffs 2. Could not help states keep order 2. Could not enforce treaties 3. Could not stop inflation
Newspaper Activity Imagine you are newspaper publishers who must determine the headlines for the next issue of your paper. Each group will write a headline and several sub-headlines for each of the following topics Problems with Great Britain & Spain Problems associated with tariffs Economic problems that arose under the Articles of the Confederation Consequences of Shay’s Rebellion
You will share your headlines/sub-headlines with the class You will share your headlines/sub-headlines with the class! Most creative and awesome group wins! (Maybe candy?)