Grimes County Polling Places
Grimes County currently has 14 voting Precincts.
Voter Statistics Minimum number of voters per precinct is 50. 1-Anderson 1780 2-Iola 780 3-Navasota West 1594 4-Plantersville 1293 5-Courtney 1393 6-Navasota East 1971 7-Bedias 1229 8-Shiro 555 9-Richards 392 10-Keith 1177 11-Singleton 243 12-Salem 897 14-Todd Mission 1597 15-White Hall 606 Minimum number of voters per precinct is 50. Maximum number of voters per precinct is 5,000. Total number of current registered voters is 15,507. County is growing. We have added 874 new voters since last year.
Possible Supercenter Locations Minimum number of polling locations would be 9 the first year and 7 the second year. We cannot have less than 50% of our polling places open. We can leave all of our current polling locations open.
Precinct 1 Precinct 1 Polling Place
Precinct 2 Polling Place
Precinct 3 Polling Place
Precinct 4 Precinct 4 Polling Place
Precinct 5 Stonebridge River Haven Precinct 5 Polling Place
Precinct 6 Polling Place Precinct 6
Precinct 7 Precinct 7 Polling Place
Precinct 8 Precinct 8 Polling Place
Precinct 9 Precinct 9 Polling Place
Precinct 10 Polling Place
Polling Place Precinct 11
Precinct 12 Polling Place
Precinct 14 Polling Place
Precinct 15 Whitehall Community Center Polling Place