Headaches & Migraines By: Jessie
What is a Headache/Migraine? Migraine comes from the Greek ward “Hemicrania” or half the head As there is lots of research about headaches/migraines there has not been a clear definition of what it is The symptoms of a migraine differ from person to person, even a single individual or a single episode BUT! Headaches can be classified into 2 types of conditions: PRIMARY: Those in which the headache IS the condition (eg. Tension, Migraine, mixed, cluster headaches) episodic headaches have CLEARLY identifiable endpoints SECONDARY: The result of an underlying pathology
Migraine Theories Vascular Model: Something is triggered to cause Vasoconstriction of the arteries in the brain. This can cause Auras or Visual distortions. After onset Vasodilation occurs causing pain Neurogenic Theory: a primary disorder of the CNS, the migraine may come about by some sort or trauma, chemicals, acute hypertension or ischemia. Reduction in blood flow occurs and makes a wave across the brain at 2-3mm/sec, the aura is associated with the lack of blood flow
Other Possible Reasons for Head Pain? Postural dysfunction (eg. Hyperkyphosis or Lordosis Head-Forward Posture Neck pain (eg. Whiplash, strain) Trigger points Weather/Barometric pressure Stress Food Hunger Meds Sleeping Hormonal shifts Movement
Short History of Migraines Migraines have been documented for years! Some cultures believed it was a curse from the gods The ancient Egyptians, ancient Incas, native Americans and the Chinese all had there was of curing migraines and some or still used to this day Some believed that the auras experienced were “visions” A German woman painted pictures which are recognized today as Scintillating Scotoma and Fortification Spectra The author of Alice in Wonderland used the auras he was experiencing during his story like making Alice tall and small like a telescope, for those who experience this it is called “Alice in Wonderland Syndrome”
HIGH RISK HEADACHES New headache onset OVER 50 Onset of new or different headache Client reports the “worst” headache they have ever had Recent history of head trauma Onset of headache worsens over time, worsens with exertion, coughing or straining Headache is associated with: Drowsiness, confusion, weakness, ataxia and loss of coordination and deep tendon reflexes New headache in a person with HIV Headaches associated with fever and neck rigidity Headache associated with hypertension
Mixed/Transformational VS. Cluster Mixed/ Transformational have symptoms of both a tension headache and a migraine headache Associated with nausea, vomiting, IBS, Sleep disturbance and depression A person can experience this daily Cluster Headaches affect 0.1% of the population It is a grouping of headaches often ONCE a day for SEVERAL weeks and may disappear for months or years The pain refers to the teeth, jaw and nose It is devastating in intensity described as SHARP, BORING and BURNING Symptoms last for 30 min – 3 hrs People who suffer from these headaches respond well to oxygen therapy
Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania RARE, EXCRUSHIATING headache disorder Has traits that are common with cluster headaches It happens daily with and average of 14-75 attacks a day Attacks can last from 1-2 min or up to 30 min There is no meds that have been able to help
What are some things I can do at Home? Cold cloth under the head and heat on the feet and hands Ice pack on the head or forehead depending where it is felt Stretching neck and shoulder muscles Modifications of lifestyle like diet, exercise, sleep, managing stress Alternative modalities: Massage Therapy, Homeopath, Chiro, Osteopath, Craniosacral practitioner, dentist, acupuncturist and Naturopath