KEY STRATEGIC PROGRAMMES Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 02 July 2014
Presentation Outline Background Strategic Plan Key Projects Financial Plan Risks and Challenges Recommendations
Purpose The purpose of the presentation is to: Provide the Portfolio Committee with a broad overview of the strategic plan 2014/15 – 2018/19 ; Highlight priority areas of the Agency for 2014/15; and Give an overview of the budget allocation.
Introduction SASSA is a Schedule 3A Public Entity that was established in April 2006. The objectives of SASSA are: to act, as the sole agent that will ensure the efficient and effective management, administration and payment of social assistance; and to eventually serve as institution to manage broader social security benefits The social assistance programme and the operations of SASSA are fully funded by government.
Rationale for establishment of SASSA The business case for establishment of SASSA, sought to address the following: Address the fragmented institutional arrangements and a lack of uniformity; Address gaps and inconsistencies in the application of rules The reduction of the turn around time for grant applications Improvement in customer services and dignified treatment of citizens Improvement in the integrity of the data and systems with a concomitant reduction in opportunities for fraud Reduction of litigation with regard to social assistance matters Reduce high administrative costs; and Address the poor quality of service delivery.
Human Resource capacity The organizational structure of SASSA provides for 18,000 staff members at different levels. Number of funded posts 10 888 (including EPWPs) Filled posts stands at 9 699 (including EPWPs) The majority of these staff (70%) perform the grant administration function (application to approval), excluding the actual payment of grants. The full structure will be gradually implemented as the Agency takes over the payment of social grants from the current service provider.
SASSA’s FOOTPRINTS SASSA has the responsibility to ensure access to social assistance, in line with the Constitution. This is done through the extensive footprint the Agency enjoys in the country. Head Office (1) Regions KZN NW EC WC GP MP LIMP NC FS National Regional Offices 1 9 District Offices 4 7 5 44 Local Offices 75 26 62 16 38 33 45 14 335 Service Points 23 217 242 40 81 73 112 110 902 Pay-points 2781 734 3020 297 123 296 2120 363 203 9937
Summary of Achievements
Re-registration Back office clean-up R2 billion saving May 2011 – March 2012 April 2012-March 2013 April 2013-March 2014 Re-registration Back office clean-up R2 billion saving CSG voluntary cancellations Payment Model – Ministerial Advisory Committee appointed Local Office improvement Linking of grant - cooperatives Fraud management ICROP – Mikondzo Staff Uniform Reviews Backlog (suspended) Biometrics for staff Unqualified audit Payment Tender Payment Model Automation Service Delivery Improvements Improvement of Local offices Capacity building @ level 5 and 7 EPWPs Standardisation – 4 step process Unqualified Audit Re-registration -20.7m Migration to new payment system Local offices improvement Fraud management Unqualified Audit Capacity building: level 5 and 7 EPWPs Executive posts filled (95% achievement) Staff Uniform Payment Model Biometrics for staff
Social Grants beneficiaries Number of social grants beneficiaries against the total population Province Census 2011 Social Grants as at March 2014 Grants as a % of the total population Eastern Cape 6,562,053 2,620,284 39.9 Free State 2,745,590 934,766 34.0 Gauteng 12,272,263 2,184,193 17.79 KwaZulu-Natal 10,267,300 3,761,662 36.64 Limpopo 5,404,868 2,222,730 41.12 Mpumalanga 4,039,939 1,325,217 32.80 North West 3,509,953 1,120,034 31.9 Northern Cape 1,145,861 424,815 37.0 Western Cape 5,822,734 1,338,772 23.0 Total 51,770,561 15,932,473 30.8%
Number of grant benefits and growth rates (2012/13 vs. 2013/14) Grant type/Period 2012/13 2013/14 Difference/Change % Growth Old Age 2,873,197 2,969,933 96,736 3.37% War Veteran 587 429 -158 -26.92% Disability 1,164,192 1,120,419 -43,773 -3.76% Grant in Aid 73,719 83,059 9,340 12.67% Care Dependency 120,268 120,632 364 0.30% Foster Child 532,159 512,055 -20,104 -3.78% Child Support 11,341,988 11,125,946 -216,042 -1.90% Total 16,106,110 15,932,473 -173,637 -1.08%
Strategic Plan
VISION MISSION SASSA’s Slogan “A leader in the delivery of social security services” MISSION To administer quality customer-centric social security services to eligible and potential beneficiaries. SASSA’s Slogan Paying the right social grant, to the right person, at the right time and place. NJALO!
STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOAL OF SASSA Expand access to social assistance and creating a platform for future payment of social security benefits. GOAL STATEMENT To render social assistance to eligible beneficiaries
Key priorities for 2014/15 - 2018/19 The primary focus of SASSA will be on: Reducing income poverty by providing social assistance to eligible individuals Improving service delivery Improving internal efficiency Institutionalising social grants payment system within SASSA
Key Focus areas SASSA will embark on a reform agenda aimed at improving service delivery - make people’s dealings with government easier through better delivery and coordination of services Improving organisational efficiency -modernising the Agency’s business processes Developing a new payment system Diversification: Positioning SASSA as payment provider for social security benefits
Key Priorities for the MTEF
Income support to eligible beneficiaries OUTCOME OBJECTIVE ENVISAGED INTERVENTIONS Reduce income poverty by providing social assistance to eligible individuals To provide social assistance to eligible beneficiaries Enrolment and payment of social assistance to eligible older persons, people with disabilities and children. Reduction of exclusion errors in the social assistance programme Improved take-up rates of 0-1 year old and 16 – 18 years old CSG beneficiaries Improve take up rates of foster care grants through a collaborative approach with DSD Reduction in inclusion errors in the social assistance programme Administrative reviews for specific grants (excluding Old age Grants) Life certification Biometric verification of grant recipients
Implementation of the Social Assistance Programme Objective To provide social assistance to qualifying/eligible beneficiaries Current Status Over 15 932 473 people are in benefiting from social grants. The take –up rates for new grants was1 311 469 in 2013/14 Attrition rate of more than 700 000 in 2013/15 largely due to voluntary cancellations, re-registration clean-up, and death. Planned Activities Target is to reach at least 1.1m new beneficiaries p.a Increase the number of grants in payment from 15 932 473 to 16 052 000 by end of 2014/15
Implementation of the Social Assistance Programme Objective Improve the management of Social Relief of Distress by ensuring qualifying beneficiaries are not disadvantaged. Planned Activities 150 000 SRD applications will be processed per annum over the next three years Priority will be given largely to: children suffering from mal-nutrition; assisting families where the breadwinner died or is unemployed; assisting in disaster situations; and individuals awaiting grants.
Implementation of the Social Assistance Programme Objective Reduction of inclusion and exclusion errors in the social assistance programme Current Status CSG Take-up rates for infants remained stagnant between 2008-11, at less than 50%. Backlog reviews of Foster Care Grants (more than 300 000) Planned Activities Increase CSG take up rates to 70% over the MTEF through active mobilisation Conduct reviews for the foster care grants in collaboration with DSD targeting 300 000 children
Service Delivery Improvement OUTCOME OBJECTIVE ENVISAGED INTERVENTIONS Improved service delivery to beneficiaries To improve the conditions under which beneficiaries are served Acquisition and maintenance of suitable infrastructure in areas that are strategically located to serve the beneficiaries better To raise awareness of beneficiaries on their rights and obligations relating to social assistance Creating awareness amongst existing and eligible beneficiaries of the benefits they are entitled to Community Outreach programmes - Mikondzo Responsive to client enquiries (through effective call centre, helpdesk, etc.) To improve business processes Improved turn-around time and quality in the grant application process. Improved queue management process Introducing new application and payment access channels
Service Delivery Improvement Objective Improve the conditions under which beneficiaries are served Current Status More than 259 local offices have been improved Turn around time for processing of grant applications is on average 21 days Community Outreach programme (Mikondzo project) implemented throughout the country Planned Activities 420 ICROP/ Mikondzo interventions Complete the upgrading of remaining local offices and acquisition of new local offices and service points in areas of high need. Progressively reduce the turn around time for processing of grants to an average of 10 days by 2016
Automation Objective Establishing a credible National payment database through re-registration programme. Current Status Over 20.7 million people have been re-registered. Planned Activities Cleaning of data Re-registration Data Clean-up will involve data matching with critical institutions and elimination of duplications (commenced in 2013) Fraud patterns assessed and investigated Ongoing enrolment take over by SASSA
Automation OUTCOME OBJECTIVE ENVISAGED INTERVENTIONS Automated business systems Development of Biometric access and Identification system Implementing biometric physical access system for authenticating staff and beneficiaries Develop In-house system for management of beneficiaries biometrics information Payment systems Development of SASSA data factory (Build in-house payment control and reconciliation capability) Digitised document storage system Develop a system for scanning and storage of documents
Future Payment System Objective The objective is for SASSA to implement its full mandate of administering, managing and paying social grants. Current Status Constitutional Court declared the Payment Tender awarded to CPS invalid; the order has been set aside pending award of new tender Ministerial Advisory Committee has been established to advise the Minister on the future payment options for SASSA SASSA hosted an expert round table workshop on Payment systems Planned Activities The plan was for SASSA is to take total responsibility for the payment of social grants in 2017. However, the ConCourt instructs a tender for 5 years – which we are in the process of implementing
Future Payment System (cont…) The preparatory work would be done in phases, as follows: Phase 1 (2012 -2014): Centralisation and Improvement of integrity of the data which included collection of biometric data. This has been achieved through the re-registration process. In addition, SASSA introduced beneficiaries to a electronic banking environment Phase 2 (2014 – 2015): Taking over on-going enrolment process (that is the biometric enrolment of all new grant beneficiaries) (In process) Phase 3 (2014 - 2015): DATA Factory - Developing SASSA’s in-house capability to manage enrolments, payments and reconciliations (in process) . The phases above will run parallel to the new tender process.
Other initiatives to be addressed by SASSA Intensify outreach programme to communities with the objective to reach those beneficiaries who are unable to reach our office and ensure that potential and current beneficiaries are fully informed of the programmes and initiative. Intensive effort to recruit people with disabilities Exploring measures to build SASSA’s Future Workforce by establishing partnerships with universities and technikons and giving bursaries for training and education in the field of social security.
Key Projects 2014 The 2014 projects prioritised for the coming year include: Payment Tender (R10 million) Automation Biometric Access for staff (ICT and Building) Scanning of documents CSG exclusions and Foster Care Reviews Organisational Review Grant debtors Data Factory Mikondzo – 420 ICROP
SASSA Financial Plan 2013/14 - 2015/16
Overview of the SASSA budget
Overview of the budget cont.
Overview of the budget The strategic and spending focus of SASSA is on the administration and payment of social grants. The baseline budget grows below the projected headline CPI of 5, 4% and declines by an amount of R10 million 2014/15 and 2015/16 respectively. Following success of the financial turnaround strategy unaudited AFS for 2013/14 shows a net accumulated surplus of R1, 089, 000 billion. The funds will strategically be used on flagship once-off projects.
Overview of the budget The majority of the budget (39%) is on compensation of employees, followed by the cash handling fees (30%), while the balance caters for operational expenses such as office accommodation, cleaning, security, travel, communication, etc. 54 % of the budget is located at Head Office while 46% is shared among the nine regions. The majority of the 54% of head office’s share includes the cash handling fees which makes Head Office’s share bigger. Internal allocation process is guided by the principle of affording first priority to key cost drivers and striving for an achievement of balance between competing needs
Overview of the budget (cont…) The award of a cash disbursement contract to a single contractor has resulted in positive spin-offs as the cost of business in this area has declined However, efforts to address service delivery challenges at local offices and service points necessitated the acquisition of requisite human capacity, leading to an increase in compensation of employees.
2014/15 Allocations per key cost driver
Special projects
Overview of the budget cont.
Key Strategic Challenges
Risks and Challenges Payment Tender - implementation of the ConCourt order Declining resources against SASSA’s future growth plans Fraud, theft and corruption Disaster Management – systems, registries and facilities SASSA Reputational Damage needs to managed Unintended consequences of the payment process - deductions
Opportunities Preparations for Universalisation of Old Age Pension and CSG Other Social Security institutions are starting to engage with SASSA to assess the possibilities for SASSA to administer their payment
Recommendations It is recommended that Portfolio Committee note and support SASSA’s key strategic programme and budget for 2014/15 – 2018/19
Thank you