Allandale Neighborhood Association General Meeting CodeNEXT V Allandale Neighborhood Association General Meeting CodeNEXT V.2 Presentation October 4, 2017
CodeNext Zone Types Residential House Scale (R) – Allows for house scale buildings including single-family detached homes, duplexes, small multiplexes, cottages, row houses, and accessory dwelling units (also known as garage apartments or granny flats). Residential Multi-Unit (RM) – Covers a diverse set of zones that range from mobile home parks and three story detached buildings up to multi-story residential buildings occupying an entire block. This zone category is meant to serve as a transition between lower-intensity residential zones and higher intensity residential zones. The RM zones are generally grouped by allowed height, ranging from 35 feet tall to a maximum of 90 feet tall. Main Street (MS)– Requires a vertical mix of residential and commercial uses along corridors and activity hubs to increase walkability. The MS zones are generally grouped by allowed height. This zone is meant to provide housing and convenient access to employment, amenities, and services for nearby residents in a lower intensity environment, located at neighborhood centers served by transit. Mixed Use (MU) – Designed to provide housing and office or service employment within walking distance of low-intensity residential neighborhoods and to maintain areas with an existing pattern of commercial uses in house scale buildings. The MU zones are generally grouped by allowed height. Mixed-use zones allow a horizontally or vertically oriented mix of uses along corridors and in neighborhood hubs to allow for increased walkability. Code Next Zones: The number is typical
CodeNext Zone Types Regional Center – Include Commercial Center (CC), Urban Center (UC), and Downtown Core (DC). The Regional Center zone categories are designed to be used in areas identified in Austin’s comprehensive plan, Imagine Austin, as regional centers with large numbers of jobs and housings. Commercial/Industrial – Commercial zones include Commercial Recreation (CR) and Commercial Warehouse (CW) for development related to storage and warehousing of goods. Industrial Zones consist of Industrial Flex, Industrial General, Industrial Heavy, and Research and Development. Other Zones – Provides standards for Agricultural Zones, Aviation Services Zone, Development Reserve Zones, Conservation Lands, Planned Unit Developments, Public, Park, and former Title 25 Zones. Overlay Zones – Additional development standards governing land use and building form that control over base zone requirements within the specified area such as Barton Springs, Capitol View Corridor, University Neighborhoods. Neighborhood Plans were omitted with the exception of the Downtown Plan Overly Zone. Code Next Zones: 3 types – Transect, Non-Transect, and Overlay Districts (North Burnet/Gateway Regulating Plan, PUDs, TODs, etc. all staying the same – be sure to spell out these acronyms. (TPs: What Zone am I in? Most areas north of Anderson Lane are in the Non-Transect category, both residential and commercial. Point out the online mapping and comment tool links included in their packet.) Transit Oriented Development – Transect Zones within urban core while non-transect zones inside and outside urban core
AFFORDABLE HOUSING BONUS PROGRAM COMPONENTS OF ZONES BUILDING COVER IMPERVIOUS COVER BUILDING TYPES FORM CONTROLS AFFORDABLE HOUSING BONUS PROGRAM Hand- out LA is now the only zoning class in Austin limited to 1 unit, it is the only designation without increased building entitlements. 23-4 Text “The number of units typically allowed per lot are designated by the number in the zone name (R1 is typically 1 unit, R2 is typically 2 units, etc.)”
Residential House-Scale Zones
Mapping New Residential Zones
Mapping New Residential Zones 75’ Height at 100’ Stepback 40’ Height at 30’ Setback
Mapping New Residential Zones
10 Year Forecast 10,719 Redevelopment
So Much More! Imagine Austin did not specify the up-zoning of all Austin Neighborhoods, only along just corridors Increased flood-risk, including localized flooding, has not been analyzed Neighborhood Plan Overlay is Gone and planning process in question Preservation Incentive exempting back of lot height restrictions may not be enough Family-friendly housing incentive needs to be expanded to areas outside of Downtown Increase in number of zones allowing bars - abundant along Burnet
The previous 6 member Council passed the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan in 2012 which included as a top priority the rewrite of Austin’s outdated and complicated Land Development Code to promote a compact and connected City. CodeNEXT is the new City of Austin initiative to revise the Land Development Code, which determines how land can be used throughout the city – including what can be built, where it can be built, and how much can (and cannot) be built. The new land development code is intended to create the kinds of places we want, and to address critical issues such as diminishing natural resources, household affordability, and access to healthy lifestyles – to name a few. As required by Imagine Austin, the new land development code must also maintain the character of Austin Neighborhoods while simultaneously creating a more compact and connected City. The draft of the new code was released at the end of January 2017 and the first draft of the zoning maps were released in April. Yesterday revised zoning maps were issued and can be found on-line. The CodeNext team has established an on-line comment tool where you can review the draft code and ask questions and suggest changes to the text. Also, you can visit or call (512) 974-3583 to make an appointment to speak to a CodeNEXT planner about the draft zoning map. Lastly, CodeNext team has scheduled open-houses for each district to discuss the mapping. For District 7, the meeting will be held on May 20th at Burnet Middle School, 8401 Hathaway St. This timeline is provided in the packet. The CodeNext team recommended that all comments be received before the CAG issues their report in June in order to include changes in the next draft.
The previous 6 member Council passed the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan in 2012 which included as a top priority the rewrite of Austin’s outdated and complicated Land Development Code to promote a compact and connected City. CodeNEXT is the new City of Austin initiative to revise the Land Development Code, which determines how land can be used throughout the city – including what can be built, where it can be built, and how much can (and cannot) be built. The new land development code is intended to create the kinds of places we want, and to address critical issues such as diminishing natural resources, household affordability, and access to healthy lifestyles – to name a few. As required by Imagine Austin, the new land development code must also maintain the character of Austin Neighborhoods while simultaneously creating a more compact and connected City. The draft of the new code was released at the end of January 2017 and the first draft of the zoning maps were released in April. Yesterday revised zoning maps were issued and can be found on-line. The CodeNext team has established an on-line comment tool where you can review the draft code and ask questions and suggest changes to the text. Also, you can visit or call (512) 974-3583 to make an appointment to speak to a CodeNEXT planner about the draft zoning map. Lastly, CodeNext team has scheduled open-houses for each district to discuss the mapping. For District 7, the meeting will be held on May 20th at Burnet Middle School, 8401 Hathaway St. This timeline is provided in the packet. The CodeNext team recommended that all comments be received before the CAG issues their report in June in order to include changes in the next draft.
Next Steps Before 10/31 Comment On-line to Text and Maps: engagement Before 10/31 Write Mayor, Council, Planning Commission and ZAP Commission 11/7 Attend ANA Meeting with Mayor Adler and Council Member Pool