CMS Area Working Group Meeting CEMESTE/101 : November 1st 2006 Agenda: Key milestones Installation sequence of the cable chains Implication on the starting date of the heavy lowering Installation schedule for the UXC55 racks Installation of TX54 shielding Installation strategy for CMS electronics in USC55 Gas system commissioning schedule 13/12/2006
Key milestones Ready for crates with cooling in UXC55 X2 level Nov2006 Dec2006 Ready for crates with cooling in UXC55 X2 level 12/12/2006 27/02/2007 HF+1 installed in its garage 14/11/2006 08/12/2006 HF-1 installed in its garage 21/11/2006 08/01/2007 Lower End Cap YE+3 23/11/2006 30/11/2006 Lower YB+2 20/12/2006 19/01/2007 Lower YB0 05/02/2007 23/02/2007 Start pre-cabling of TK 15/03/2007 27/03/2007 Lower cold box 12/01/2007 27/02/2007 13/12/2006
Cable chains installation schedule 13/12/2006
Connectors installation TS-EL + TS-LEA 13/12/2006
YE+1 will be connected as soon As forward vacuum pipe is installed 13/12/2006
Coordination needed for installation of: Cables, fibres, cooling & gas pipes Close collaboration PH TS WPA meeting Feedback mechanism 13/12/2006
Cable installation scheme WP definition Database management : S Bally Cables definition Delivery status WP insertion in Schedule: M Gastal WPA meeting Safety OK Start date Work supervision: M. Wensveen CC coordination meeting + TECOPA for reporting Reporting Progress monitoring And TS support: N Dos Santos WPs have to be defined so that they follow the work sequence: to be done by Wolfram and Stephane Database update 13/12/2006
HF-1: A warm up Complexity: 13 actors WP identification and assignment of responsible is crucial 13/12/2006
Fibre optics and water mist To be done in // with mini cable chain 13/12/2006
Should services installation in cable chains Only resume once YB0 lowered? 13/12/2006
UXC55: Racks installation 2 more electrical hoists have to be purchased R Marie contacted 13/12/2006
UXC55: Racks installation – Near side TS-CV-DC: Connect TK C6F14 units to BRINE Start 27/11 for 2 weeks DATE 9 weeks of commissioning 13/12/2006
UXC55: Racks installation – Near side PH-CMI: Install racks side panels Start 11/12 for 1 week Status? 13/12/2006
UXC55: Racks installation – Near side TS-CV: Install ECAL cooling plant 11/01 COSMI Position of YEs+ in UXC55 has to be compatible 13/12/2006
Will the ECAL cooling plant be delivered? Thursday 11 January 2006 VSL: Prepare lifting tools for YB+2 Open Plug PM Will the ECAL cooling plant be delivered? CMS YE+1 Far side Near side YB+2 TS-CV ECAL cooling plant TS-LEA TS-IC TS-EL TS-CE HF+1 HF-1 Russian crew Pre-align support YE+3 YE+2 Move YE+1 Move YE+1 Fibres ECAL cooling plant Nacelle YB+1 YB-1 YB-2 YE-1 13/12/2006
With YE+1 already in cavern All other racks have been installed UXC55 Racks: X2 Near Side To be installed on ~11/01 With YE+1 already in cavern All other racks have been installed 13/12/2006
CMS installation schedule until LHC start-up +Z YB0 Start of installation sequence for cables in YB0 +Z side 13/12/2006
CMS installation schedule until LHC start-up Major scheduling efforts to consolidate plans from TK, ECAL and HCAL On going activity 13/12/2006
Install access platforms and scaffold +Z HB+ (ECAL) will be completed after TK cabling is complete 13/12/2006 Design by CMS Integration group, April 2005.
CMS installation schedule until LHC start-up Kick off of services installation on YB0 -Z 13/12/2006
Move HB- inside vacuum tank 13/12/2006 Design by CMS Integration group, April 2005.
USC55 : TX54 shielding 13/12/2006
USC55 : TX54 shielding Delivery from Pakistan: 05/03/2007 13/12/2006
USC55 : Control Area – CMS Electronics S2 (-1) 13/12/2006
Priority for turbines Follow-up on Friday 10 November meeting : List of racks to be connected with UPS supported power has been released by A Gaddi TS-EL to install new switchboard once TC agreed 13/12/2006
USC55 : Control Area – CMS Electronics S1 (-2) 13/12/2006
Rows B,C,F and G to be equipped with turbines this week Priority rows Rows B,C,F and G to be equipped with turbines this week 13/12/2006
USC55 : CMS Electronics –Temporary Ctrl room Partition walls erected from 14/12 onwards – TS-IC 13/12/2006
Safety barriers around head shaft Designed. Call for tender to be organised. Cost not included in the original budget for metallic structures PM54 13/12/2006
First steps towards commissioning Initial goals: Back end commissioning: Install and commission FED crates Sub detectors: HCAL, HF, CSC on YEs+Z Triggers: DSS, DCS ready in ctrl area FED crates installed and commissioned Target date for kick off: end January Perform back end connection to DAQ FED crates installed and locally commissioned Target date: February 13/12/2006
First steps towards commissioning Initial goals: Back end commissioning: Perform back end connection to Level 1 trigger Sub detectors: HCAL, HF Triggers: FED and VME crates installed and commissioned HCAL cables available Target date for kick off: February Front end Commission HFs All HF cables connected to HF (last meter) All TS cables connected to HF(LV + Turbines + Gas) 13/12/2006
First steps towards commissioning Initial goals: Front end Commission YEs+Z Triggers: Cooling pipes connected Gas pipes connected Mini cable chains connected LV on top of bypass operational (TS-EL:~Mars) DSS/DCS operational for detectors (in UXC55) Wiener LV power supply delivered Beginning of scheduling exercise, will be an iterative process 13/12/2006
Review of Installation Sequence in the Forward Region 3 Activities will take place in the same area Beam pipe installation RS completion Motorized opening system for RS Possibly repairs on Low-Beta magnets 13/12/2006
Beam Pipe installation Phase 1 – Forward +Z 13/12/2006
Ideal configuration of the cavern to perform this operation 13/12/2006 Design by CMS Integration group, April 2005.
Thursday 14 December 2006 Position of YE+3 critical for survey AM PM CMS YE+1 Far side Near side YB+2 TS-CV Racks infra S2 TS-LEA TS-IC Connectors TS-EL TS-CE HF+1 Move HF Out of Garage HF-1 Russian crew Move YE+3 Move YE+3 TAS config Move YE+3 Move YE+2 Move YE+2 Fibres Connectors Could we install the rails? Racks infra S2 YB+1 YB-1 YB-2 YE-1 13/12/2006
Complete RS 54 13/12/2006
Install motorised opening system for RS54 Could it be done in // with “install platform on top of blockhouse”? What is the impact of “Repair Low-Beta magnets”? 13/12/2006