Paths of International cooperation


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Presentation transcript:

Paths of International cooperation Mr. Alessandro BATTILOCCHIO Paths of International cooperation

International cooperation for development -funds aiming to promote economic devt and prosperity in devt countries -mobilization of actions and technical, financial and/or human resources with the purpose to promote everything that can be considered as development -aid given by the govts and other actors to support economic, social environmental and political development of countries (it can be preceded by different adjectives :economic, sustainable, local, rural, endogenous, human, etc.) -the world’s attempt to work together to achieve commonly held ambitions, and to support those parts of the world that need special assistance -partnership existing between donor and recipient rather than the traditional situation of one dominating side -almost synonymous with financial aid – or even more narrowly with official development assistance (ODA)

There is not a unique and permanent, correct or incorrect definition of ICD. On the contrary, this concept evolves and changes according to global tendencies, international priorities, social, political and economic environment and, most important, according to the notion of what is considered as development.

4 possible criteria for what constitutes ICP 1. It aims explicitly to support national or international development priorities 2. It is not driven by profit 3. It discriminates in favour of developing countries 4. It is based on cooperative relationships that seek to enhance developing country ownership

ICD IN ITALY -The ICD has been directed and coordinated by the MFA trough the specific Department, always within the framework of a wider international situation (UN, EU). -The main geographical areas of the Italian actions have been(for different reasons):Subs-Sahara Africa, Afganistan, Lebanon,Latin America, Middle East and North Africa. -The main fields have been :environment,rural development,agricolture, energy, gender and women empowerment, education and health

New era for italian icd: l.125/2014 The law 125, approved on August 11° 2014, has coordinated all the laws and regulations related to ICD and has created a comprehensive and complete framework Art.1: « the ICD is a strict and quilifying part of the Italian foreign policy. It is inspired by the UN charter and by the EU human rights charter. Its action, in the framework of art.11 of the Constitution, aims at promoting the peace and justice and creatind solidarity and equal relationships among the nations based on the principles of interdipendence and partnership. Obiectives-UN,EU,other international organizations- (art.1,2): -eradicate poverty; -defend human rights; -prevent conflicts

ART.17 L.125/2014:AGENCY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION «For the implementation of the CD policies based on the effectiveness, transparency and unitariety the I.A.D.C. is set up, with legal personality within the public Law, under the address power of the MFA» Art.11 «political address and control»

Art.23 introduces an important innovation: the Italian System of the international cooperation. -All the many and various actors, public and private entities, are now called to work jointly and to promote more coherent actions with greater impact and effectiveness. «COHERENCE»

Icd in europe EU and MSs are the biggest donors in the world EU has a role of coordination of the actions of the different donors. Also thanks to its sovranationational dimension, it can fix very ambitious targets and can set up comprehensive strategies. ICD was already in the 1957 Treaties In 2000 Cotonou agreement UE-ACP Further instruments: DCI and ENI

In the Lisbon Treaty the role of the ICD becomes event stronger The target of the eradication of poverty is clearly affirmed as primary target

The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO),is the EC’s department for overseas humanitarian aid and for civil protection.It was established in 2010 to coordinate different previous entities. It ensures rapid and effective delivery of EU relief assistance through its two main instruments: humanitarian aid and civil protection. -ECHO-funded projects affect over 120 million people in more than 90 countries yearly -ECHO dos not implement assistance programmes itself;but funds operations through a wide range of around 200 partners(NGOs, UN agencies, int.organ.) Since November 2014 the humanitarian aid and civil protection departments operates unders the mandate of Christos Stylianides

About dg devco -Dg Devco is responsible for designing Eu international cooperation and development policy and delivering aid throughout the world, in a wider framework, adapting to the evolving needs of partner countries -Dg Devco works closely with other EC services responsible for thematic policies as well as with the European External Action Service and Commission services on external action -Stefano Manservisi is the Director-General of Dg Devco since 16 May 2016