Higher Education and Work based learning Work Package 3 Higher Education and Work based learning
Tasks DEV 3.1. Transition support services at HEIs DEV 3.2. Development of Internship program for Students with Disabilities DEV 3.3. Design Recruitment guidelines for employers opening positions for students/university graduates with dissabilities Transition Curriculum
Content: Theoretical approach Practice needs – research results 3. Program for developing generic competencies 4. Literature
Theoretical approach History of internship Significant of internship Legislative and relevant docs: EU 2020 –“each 6th person in EU faced with some kind of barriers“ ... Barrier = disability, but ANY KIND OF support to overcame barrier -disability UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Amsterdam Treaty (2001/C80/01) "Towards a barrier-free Europe for people with disabilities EU strategy for youth..... The social dimension of higher education The report on Social Dimension and Data on Mobility....
Program for internship Self determination self advocacy emloyment
Unfortunately though with the theoretical approach to the necessity of individual approach and pointing out the barriers of the environment, which is in accordance with all relevant documents and references which we mentioned it happened that the documents we find the following:
Issues and traps about medical and social approach
scholarship = reduction of tuition fees Beneficiars = support „It should be emphasized that there is a need for the establishment of special and specific evaluation and counselling program for students with disabilities “ „... Having in mind that Montenegro has high rates of unemployment – particularly among disabled young people , it is necessary for more efforts in awareness-raising“
„...In addition, these workshops’ intention would be to network proactive students in the job searching and the exchange of information among them. In addition to employees of the Centre, the leaders of these workshops would also be experts from practice (e.g. lawyers who deal with labour law, specialists in recruitment companies, mental health professionals, etc.).“ „.....Areas where more effort could be focused are: better integration between the different education sectors on educational needs of young people with disabilities, resources provided to train more qualified special needs education professionals and to promote continuing professional development of education professional’s ...“
„It would be appropriate to set up a department in the Center that would deal with the mental health of students. Providing psychological support in job search is often inseparable from the support of the entire mental health. This phenomenon might be mostly evident at students with disabilities“ It must be noted that all HEIs in partner countries have career offices that will be key stakeholders in order to improve their support services for students with disabilities during and after their studies while entering to labour market. „XY faculty is COMPLETELY accesable“
SwD, IwD,PwD, PWD .... abbreviations Persons with intellectual disabilities =(mental disabilities) Successful job performance depend on disability ????????? persons with special learning „development of organizational climate in which all stakeholders participate in the adjustment that will bring the benefit to many people not only the disabled ,
„.. knowledge and capacities of their disabled employee“ „The chances of becoming employed are additionally decreased by the degree of their invalidity ..“ „.. knowledge and capacities of their disabled employee“ how to ensure a successful inclusion process of persons with disabilities in the company: provide private workspace for the person to prevent interference with other employees during the performance of the tasks!!!
All Associations gave a lot of comments on all documents WP3 based on knowledge and experience with desire to move from twilight zone and to return project on the level of human rights and actively role of students with disabilities
What we change it in documents: In documents we integrate comments from all partners as much it could be possible Parts of which contained less adequate terminology such as Special Needs, disabled students etc we removed in non discriminatory terminology in accordance with the social approach
What we have change it in documents: We removed the part that deals with mental health because it directly discriminates students with disabilities and put them in passive role. Instead of workshop leaders who are lawyers, recruiters, etc. - they can not be leaders, but not more facilitators because they are not educated, but on some session during workshop thay could be guest lecturers Part: case study - person „XY“ - were replaced because it can be interpreted as part of good practice but we think this not brightest to highlight concrete persons – HEROES.....
TERMINOLOGY The use of certain terms: It negates the personality of people with disabilities. Emphasizes the dependence of the individual departments and experts. Emphasizes the reduced ability of persons with disabilities to work, earn a living and support their families
WHY? invalid A person with special needs disabled person Title after diagnosis (muscular dystrophy, paraplegics, etc.).
Person with disability with use of social model indicates that the the person is in interaction with the environment where are present barriers for that person and because of that it is necesarry individual aproach in develompent of diferent ways for support person with disability.
In conclusion.... The dilemma of whether to conform currently existing forms of support and that students adapt existing forms of support or to make efforts and achieve real and lasting quality solutions that could be implemented in the coming years and that the three countries closer to developed countries in this field We recognize the project as an opportunity to provide quality conditions for the next generation of students with disabilities.
Thank you for your attention