S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity Morning registration mathematics activity Aligned to the Renewed Framework for Mathematics Stoke-on-Trent Primary Maths Team
S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity WHAT IS IT? 10 mathematics questions per day based on the Renewed Framework for Mathematics. Questions 1-5 consolidate maths from the previous unit. Questions 6-10 are based on the previous year’s coverage of the next unit (following Block sequence A B C D E). This will support you in pitching the learning appropriately for the next unit and gathering evidence for APP. WHAT IS IT NOT? SODA is NOT intended to be used during any part of the daily mathematics lesson. It is an ADDITIONAL resource to support the CONSOLIDATION of learning which has taken place previously.
S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity WHEN? During the registration period at the start of the day. Pupils could record their answers in a ‘SODA’ book. Go through the questions and discuss strategies the children used with the pupils during registration. Ensure that you model the correct mathematical vocabulary and always encourage the children to use it correctly. HOW? Use SODA as it stands or personalise the questions for your pupils by adapting / replacing them.
Councillors on Line Year 4, Block D, Unit 1 Questions 1 - 5 based on Year 4, Block C, Unit 1 Questions 6 -10 based on Year 3, Block E, Unit 1
Monday 20th October 2008 1. Suggest something you would measure in cm. 2. Suggest something you would measure in mm. 3. Suggest something you would measure in grams. 4. Suggest something you would measure in kilograms. 5. Which is heavier, 400g or 2kg? How do you know? 6. Create a tally chart to show the vowels in the name of each person in your group. (e.g. Emily has vowels e & i) 7. Create a bar chart using the information from the tally chart. 8. Give your bar chart a title and label the x-axis and the y-axis. 9. Create 3 questions to ask other groups about your bar chart. 10. What other ways could you display this information? Year 4 Block D Unit 1
Tuesday 21st October 2008 2. What does 1 apple weigh? 1. What is the total weight of the apples? 2. What does 1 apple weigh? 3. What would 10 apples weigh? 4. How many apples would weigh 3.5kg? 5. How did you calculate this? 6. Fill in the missing numbers: 36, 31, __, 21, 16, __, __, 1 7. Find ½ of 16. 8. Find ¼ of 16. 9. Find 1/8 of 16. 10. What do you notice about your answers. Year 4 Block D Unit 1
Wednesday 22nd October 2008 1. 10 x 7 2. How many 4’s make 12? 3. Can a multiple of 5 end in a 2? 4. Explain your answer 5. Double 13 6. 24 ÷ 4 7. Copy the rectangle and shade ¼ of it. 8. Continue this number sequence: 2, 8, 14, 20, __, __, __, __ 9. Is 63 a multiple of 5? 10. How do you know? Year 4 Block D Unit 1
Thursday 23rd October 2008 2. What would you measure? 1. I think that the taller a person is, the larger their hand span will be. How could you find out if I am right? 2. What would you measure? 3. How would you record your findings? Why? 4. How would you display your findings? Why? 5. What titles and labels would you use on your graph? 6. Continue this number sequence: 89, 79, 69, __, __, __, __ 7. I have 60p in 10p coins. How many coins do I have? 8. What is 5 x 7 = 9. Complete this number sequence: ___, 910, 810, 710, 610, __, __, __, __ 10. What is ½ of 18? Year 4 Block D Unit 1
Friday 24th October 2008 1. Which unit would you use to measure the weight of a grape? cm, ml, g, Kg 2. Which is heavier, 300 g or 3 kg? 3. Order these things lightest first, a pair of wellies, an egg, a piano, a mug, a key, a pile of 30 exercise books 4. How many grams is the same as 2.5 kg? 5. Order these heaviest first, 4kg, 400g, 440g 4.4kg, 404g 6. What is the product of 6 and 4? 7. 6 x 7 = 42. Write another multiplication sum using these numbers. 8. If 6 x 7 = 42, 42 ÷ 6 = 7. Write another division sum using these numbers. 9. Double 19. 10. 15 x 2 = Year 4 Block D Unit 1
Monday 3rd November 2008 1. Use the graph to estimate how much further Sam jumped than Jan. 2. Sue jumped 212cm. How much further is this than Tom? 3. Who’s jump was in third place? 4. Copy the bar chart. 5. Draw Sue’s result on the graph. 6. Complete 42, 38, 32, 28, __, __, __, __ 7. 5 multiplied by 8 8. 30 ÷ 5 = 9. Is 3 x 4 the same as 4 x 3? 10. Explain why/why not Year 4 Block D Unit 1
Tuesday 4th November 2008 1. Copy the graph. 2. Which sport is the most popular? 3. Which sport is the least popular? 4. Which two sports are equally as popular? 5. Estimate how many more children like cricket than hockey? 6. Estimate how many fewer children like basketball than rounders? 7. Why are your answers estimates? 8. Create 5 questions about the graph to ask your partner. Year 4 Block D Unit 1
Wednesday 5th November 2008 measure in cm? 1. The first part of my tape measure is missing. It starts at 6cm. How could I use it to measure in cm? 2. Draw a line measuring 7cm 3. Draw a line measuring 45 mm 4. Which line is longest? 5. How many cm make 1 m? 6. I think that if I count from zero in 4’s every number will be even. Am I right? 7. Discuss this with your partner, showing why your answer is correct. 8. 30 + __ + 50 = 100. Find the missing number. 9. Continue this number sequence: 1, 4, 7, 10, __, __, __, __ 10. I have five 20p coins. How much money do I have? Year 4 Block D Unit 1
Thursday 6th November 2008 1. What is the latest time letters are Use the chart taken from a post box to answer: 1. What is the latest time letters are collected on a Wednesday? 2. Carla posts a letter at 9.00am on Monday. How long will it be before it is collected? 3. Gareth posts a letter at 3.00pm on Saturday. How long before it is collected from the post box? 4. Look at the multiplication grid. What number goes in the: 5. red square? 6. blue square? 7. green square? 8. What multiplication fact do you need for the white square? x 2 3 4 5 6 12 30 18 Year 4 Block D Unit 1
Friday 7th November 2008 1. Which unit would you use to measure the distance from here to Blackpool? Km, m, cm, mm, g, kg 2. Which unit would you use to measure the distance from your classroom to the hall? Km, m, cm, mm, g, kg 3. Another way to write 2 Kg 4. Another way to write 2500g 5. Which unit would you use to measure the weight of your book? cm, ml, g, Kg 6. Copy this rectangle and shade 1/5 of it. 7. Continue this number sequence: 78, 73, 68, 63, __, __, __, __ 8. Can a multiple of 2 end in a 7? 9. Why / Why not? 10. Can a multiple of 4 end in a 7? Year 4 Block D Unit 1