2017 Club Budgeting Finance Chair: Nicole Woodward finance.senate@g.rwu.edu Clubs & Orgs Chair: Jake Brostuen clubsandorgs.senate@g.rwu.edu Treasurer: Alex McAdam amcadam457@g.rwu.edu
Budget Dates April 24th: Budget letters are placed in mailbox March 20th: Budget submissions will be accepted April 3rd: Budgets are due by 5:00pm April 5th – 6th: Club Presentations April 24th: Budget letters are placed in mailbox Budgets must be TYPED
Info and who to contact Finance Forms can be found at the Roger Williams Student Senate Website under the Finace Committee Tab Finance Forms may be found at http://www.studentsenaterwu.com/budget- information.html If you have questions:finance.senate@g.rwu.edu …or contact your student senate rep
Budgeting Specifics All budgets must be well researched. Please give an specific explanation regarding the importance of all requests. Supporting materials showing pricing are necessary, pictures are strongly recommended.
Budget Example Fall Requests: Please list in Order of Importance Name of Event and Purpose Date Amount Requested Office Use Only 1 Fall Conference Regional Retreat of all New England Book Clubs Full Registration and Addmission(10 attendants @ $200 fee $2,000 $2,000 Transportation to Boton MA (10 attendants @ $10 ticket) $100 $0 Hotel (3 rooms at $200 a night) $600 $400 Total: $2,700 $2,400
Backup Documentation (Hotels)
Backup Documentation (Flights) ** Flights will only be funded for advisors**
Backup Documentation Any Equipment or Supplies you request will require backup documentation
Budgeting Calendar —March 1st (today) – Club officers meeting —March 8th – Finance Committee Meeting —March 10th – Residence halls closes for spring break —March 20th – 1st day of Budget submissions —March 22nd – Finance Committee Meeting —March 29nd – Finance Committee Meeting —April 3rd – Budgets are due at 5pm in the office of SP&L —April 5rd & 6th – Club Presentations —April 10th – Org Budget Presentation —April 12th – Finance Committee Meeting —April 14th - 16th – Easter Weekend —April 19th – Finance Committee Meeting —April 22nd - 23rd – Budgeting Weekend —April 24th – Budget letters can be found in Club mailboxes —May 1st – Club budget appeals Finance committee meets in the student senate chambers @ 6:00pm on Wednesday
Club Presentations Clubs are not required to present, but it is highly encouraged Presentations have no minimum time but have a 10 minute maximum No A/V If you have handouts please make 8 copies
Suggested Topics Most Important Event Least Important Event Most Successful Event Reasons for Conferences or Trips Reasons for Expensive Lines Confusing Back Up Documentation
Presentations Sign up for a time to present in Student Programs and Leadership when you turn in your budget proposal First come first serve basis If you are absent during your presentation time we WILL NOT contact you, and you are no longer guaranteed an opportunity to present
Questions? If you have any questions then please contact either: Finance Chair: Nicole Woodward finance.senate@g.rwu.edu Clubs & Orgs Chair: Jake Brostuen clubsandorgs.senate@g.rwu.edu Treasurer: Alex McAdam amcadam457@g.rwu.edu Or you Student Senate club representative
Student Senate thanks you for your time!!