Slovenia won first ever gold medal in the EuroBasket 2017 Green Gold „Beer“ Fountain Slovenia won first ever gold medal in the EuroBasket 2017
Central European Green Corridors The project CEGC Central European Green Corridors was driven by the emerging need for decarbonisation and electrification of EU road transportation and by the related interoperability and synergy opportunities. The project deployed 115 high power charging stations in Austria, Croatia, Germany, Slovakia, and Slovenia (26 stations). At each charging station, service for vehicles with AC/Type 2, DC/Combo 2 as well as DC/CHAdeMO interfaces have be provided. 2014-15 Development strategies in the field of alternative fuels in transport in Republic of Slovenia 2016-17 2017- EDISON (Eco Driving Innovative SOlutions and Networking)
DATA SOURCES FROM OWN ACTIVITIES TO ADDRESS QUESTIONS Registered electric vehicles in Slovenia - 2015: 144 (0,2%) Number - 348 % increase (2014) All together (1-7m, 2017) 768 electric or hybrid cars (1-7m, 2016) less than 300 cars Electric vehicles All together Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles Share of electric vehicles in Slovenia, Austria, Germany and Great Britain (category: automobiles; per year, in %) Source: UM, Faculty of Logistics, 2014. Source: Ministry for Infrastructure RS
AN OVERVIEW OF CURRENTLY AVAILABLE CHARGERS FOR EVs I. part AN OVERVIEW OF CURRENTLY AVAILABLE CHARGERS FOR EVs The three biggest electric vehicle markets (USA, EU and Asia) were studied to establish which electric vehicles and with what kind of chargers were sold in the last three years. market share of existing publicly accessible charging points for every market. comparison between the required charging capacities and the existing capacities.
Introduction EC Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc governments, universities and private sectors are starting to see the importance of fuel efficiency, environmental factors and health impacts on the population. The attention to these issues has brought about the need for developing PHEVs and other alternative vehicles. several organisations are preparing standards and codes with regard to user interfaces. Electric vehicles must become more widely accepted. Three barriers that are preventing this include: the high cost and life cycle of batteries, difficulties with chargers, and the lack of charging infrastructure.
The main purpose of our research Today’s situation was anticipated by Pokryzawa (2011) who predicted that: Manufacturers will have to equip their vehicles with their own charger and develop their own electronics for such systems; Charging sockets in the vehicle frame will vary depending on regions; Sharing of charging infrastructure will not be possible; Vehicle and infrastructure costs will increase - without benefits for customers. …to compose an overview of all EV chargers which are available today - which companies, which brands and which countries are part of today’s competition.
Different brands/chargers USA EU Asia Chevrolet J1772 Audi Mennekes BYD GB/T Cadillac BMW GM Korea Fisker Bolloré Honda Ford Citroën CHAdeMO Kia Tesla Fiat Mitsubishi Mercedez-Benz Nissan Opel Hyundai Peugeot TATA Porsche Toyota Renault Daimler Volvo VW Source: Knez,M., Kozelj, G. Z., Obrecht, M, (2016) University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics
Total sales results for each market Source: Knez,M., Kozelj, G. Z., Obrecht, M, (2016) University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics
Charger shares with regard to the sales of electric cars in each of the three markets Source: Knez,M., Kozelj, G. Z., Obrecht, M, (2016) University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics
Charger shares in the 20 best-selling electric cars in 2015 Source: Knez,M., Kozelj, G. Z., Obrecht, M, (2016) University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics
Change in the demand for chargers with regard to electric cars sales in the three markets Source: Knez,M., Kozelj, G. Z., Obrecht, M, (2016) University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics
Share of charging stations for electric cars with regard to charger type in the markets in the USA and EU in 2015 Source: Knez,M., Kozelj, G. Z., Obrecht, M, (2016) University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics
Discussion & Results … shows that in the last three years, and specifically in the last year, China has taken the initiative and pushed the Asian market ahead of Europe and the USA. In the USA, the most commonly used charger is the SAE J1772, followed by the CHAdeMO and Tesla charger. In Europe, the most commonly used charger is the Mennekes, followed by the CHAdeMO and Tesla chargers. In Asia, the most common charger is the GB/T, followed closely by the CHAdeMO. This leads to the conclusion that four types of chargers are the most widely used in the three markets. These are the SAE J1772, Mennekes, GB/T and CHAdeMO.
Discussion & Results Promoting the use of electric cars by providing subsidies and recommendations is common to all the countries, whereas the basic safety elements and charging principles are common to all the different standards included in the research. (Pokryzawe’s statement) - a meaningful direction of the development of EV charging is clear. It may be observed in the possibilities of harmonised EV charging by using a universal charger according to a universal standard or by using contact-less charging.
Important financial considerations Important vehicle performance factors (On a scale from 1 to 7 where 1 means NOT IMPORTANT and 7 means VERY IMPORTANT) Important financial considerations (On a scale from 1 to 7 where 1 means NOT IMPORTANT and 7 means VERY IMPORTANT) Source: FLUM, 2014.
The proportion of respondents who would seriously consider purchasing EVs if the fuel price increase. The proportion of respondents who would seriously consider buying EVs, if the prices of EV would fall Source: FLUM, 2014/15.
Group I: No-Greens (20% in Slovenia, 8% in Spain and 20 % in Poland), Segmentation of the sample ... Group I: No-Greens (20% in Slovenia, 8% in Spain and 20 % in Poland), Group II: Go-With The Flow-Greens (42% in Slovenia, 32% in Spain and 40% in Poland) Group III: Go-Greens (38% in Slovenia, 60% in Spain and 40% in Poland). „No-Greens“ is the group not motivated to buy a EV in the near future. The information about CO2 and other emissions is not important to them when buying a car. „Go-With The Flow-Greens“ have a positive opinion about EVs, but they are still not planning to buy one, like the people in the “No-Green” group. „Go-Greens“ are very interested in buying a EV in the near future. They are aware of their responsibility to reduce environmental impact.
Source: FLUM, 2014/15. Segmentation of the sample ... Age distribution between different segments of consumers Ratio between males and females in different segments of consumers Source: FLUM, 2014/15.